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2015 onwards

Abdulrafiu Babatunde Odunuga  Model Reconstruction for Dynamical Systems 
Philip Maybank Bayesian inference for stable differential equation models with applications in computational neuroscience
Natalie Dimier Statistical methodology for evaluation of time-to-event surrogate and true endpoints in small-sample meta-analysis of clinical trials
Chintu Desai Statistical study designs for phase III pharmacogenetic clinical trials
Frank Owusu-Ansah Methodology for joint modelling of spatial variation and competition
effects in the analysis of varietal selection trials



Supada Charoensawat A likelihood approach based upon the proportional hazards model for SROC modelling in meta-analysis of diagnostic studies
Pianpool Kirdwichai A nonparametric regression approach to the analysis of genomewide association studies
Reynaldo Martina DStat thesis: Challenges in modelling pharmacogenetic data: Investigating biomarker and clinical response simultaneously for optimal dose prediction
Rungruttikarn Moungmai Family-based genetic association studies in a likelihood framework
Michael Dunbar Multiple hydro-ecological stressor interactions assessed using statistical models
Osama Abdulhey Alcohol consumption and mortality from all and specific causes: the J-hypothesis. A systematic review and meta-analysis of current and historical evidence
Rattana Lerdsuwansri Generalisation of the Lincoln-Peterson approach to non-binary source variables
Krisana Lanumteang Estimation of the size of a target population using Capture-Recapture methods based upon multiple sources and continuous time experiments
Rainer-Georg Göldner Investigation of new single locus and multivariate methods for the analysis of genetic association studies
Isak Neema Survey and monitoring crimes in Namibia through the likelihood based cluster analysis
Mercedes Andrade Bejarano Monthly average temperature modelling for Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
Robert Mastrodomenico Statistical analysis of genetic association studies
Ruth Butler DStat thesis: An exploration of the statistical consequences of sub-sampling for species identification
Carmen Ybarra Moncada Multivariate methods with application to spectroscopy
Alun Bedding The Bayesian analysis of dose titration to effect in Phase II clinical trials in order to design Phase III
Timothy Montague Adaptive designs for bioequivalence trials
Magnus Kjaer Clinical trials of cytostatic agents with repeated measurements: using the regression coefficients as response
Kamziah Abd Kudus Survival analysis models for interval censored data with application to an Acacia mangium plantation spacing trial
Isobel Barnes Point estimation after a sequential clinical trial
Ben Carter Statistical methodology for the analysis of microarray data
Joanna Burke Regularised regression in QTL mapping
Alexandre M F G da Silva Methods for the analysis of multivariate lifetime data with frailty
Harsukhjit Deo Analysis of a Quantitative Trait Locus for twin data using univariate and multivariate linear mixed effects models
Kim Bolland The design and analysis of neurological trials yielding repeated ordinal data
Fazil Baksh Sequential tests of association with applications in genetic epidemiology
Martyn Byng A statistical model for locating regulatory regions in novel DNA sequences
Rob Deardon Representation bias in field trials for airborne plant pathogens
Marian Hamshere Statistical aspects of objects generated by dynamic processes at sea, detected by remote sensing techniques
Mike Branson The analysis of survival data in which patients switch treatments
Christoph Lang Generalised estimating equation methods in statistical genetics
V R P Putcha Random effects in survival analysis



Robin Fletcher Statistical inversion of surface parameters from ATSR-2 satellite observations
Seth Ohemeng-Dapaah Methods for analysis and interpretation of genotype by environment interaction
Emmanuelle Vincent Sequential designs for clinical trials involving multiple treatments
Pi Wen Tsai Three-level designs robust to model uncertainty
Jo Farebrother Statistical design and analysis of factorial combination drug trials
Mark Lennon Design and analysis of multiple site large plot field experiments
Norberto Lavorenti Fitting models in a bivariate analysis of intercrops
Bernard North Contributions to survival analysis
Karen Ayres Measuring genetic correlations within and between loci, with implications for disequilibrium mapping and forensic identification
Andrew Morris Transmission tests of linkage and association using samples of nuclear families with at least one affected child
Julian Higgins Exploiting information in random effects meta-analysis
Mohammed Inayat Khan Improving precision of agricultural field experiments in Pakistan
Luzia Trinca Blocking response surface designs
Phil Bowtell Non-linear functional relationships
Louise Burt Statistical modelling of volcanic hazards
Helen Millns The application of statistical methods to the analysis of diet and coronary heart disease in Scotland
Dominic Neary Methods of analysis for ordinal repeated measures data
Graham Pursey Shape location and classification with reference to fungal spores
Nigel Stallard Increasing efficiency in the design and analysis of animal toxicology studies
Katarzyna Stepniewska Some variable selection problems in medical research