Undergraduate Programme Directors Community of Practice
This Community of Practice is for undergraduate Programme Directors. The purpose of the CoP is to provide an opportunity for Programme Directors to meet termly to discuss issues relevant to their role, exchange ideas and share good practice.
There is no fixed agenda for the meetings. PDs create and manage the agenda themselves. We ask that colleagues think of topics they would like to discuss ahead of the session related to your role and/or your programmes, and then you decide, as a group, during the session which topics will be worked on and discussed. This format is known as 'open space' meeting.
To join the teams site you can click here:
Nina Brooke
Academic Development and Enhancement (ADE), CQSD
0118 378 6804
To contact the Undergraduate Programme Directors CoP, you can email the group via cqsd-ug-programme-directors@reading.ac.uk">cqsd-ug-programme-directors@reading.ac.uk