World-leading research
We carry out research into the processes that control the evolution and predictability of weather, from hours to days.
Using a combination of numerical weather prediction modelling and field experiments we conduct research into atmospheric dynamics, such as the movement of storms and jet streams, and into physical processes such as clouds, rainfall and land-atmosphere interactions.
We are also developing new research into high resolution modelling and data assimilation at the convective scale as well as ground-based remote sensing. Alongside our core research we also tackle problems of concern to society. For instance, we investigate meteorological processes that determine air quality, from dispersion by urban turbulence in a street, to weather systems that transport pollutants over large distances.
We model and observe severe weather events, such as intense convection and weather systems. Our expertise has recently grown in areas of environmental prediction, such as hydrology and flooding, urban meteorology, and energy meteorology.
We also investigate processes relevant to aviation meteorology, including turbulence and volcanic ash. , which helps us further our research into weather process. Several of our postdoctoral staff are funded by the Atmospheric Physics Weather Directorate of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science ().