Appearances on BBC Radio 4, BBC5Live, BBC Radio Ulster, TRT
Articles for , , and
Contribution to 2021, House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee, report.
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Digital Humanities Community of Practice Lead
Module Convenor: US Foreign Policy and the Environment: from Nixon to Obama
The American Century
The US and the Cold War
The US and China in the Historical Context, 1882-1989
I am supervising PhD research on:
Previous PhD Supervision:
External Funding
Research Awards
Teaching Awards
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Peer Review Editor:
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Book Proposal and Manuscript Reviewer for
Book Proposal and Manuscript Reviewer for
Twitter: @maraolivaPhD
Appearances on BBC Radio 4, BBC5Live, BBC Radio Ulster, TRT
Articles for , , and
Contribution to 2021, House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee, report.