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UoR Research Data Archive

The 澳门六合彩开奖记录 Research Data Archive is an institutional repository for the preservation and sharing of research data produced or collected at the 澳门六合彩开奖记录. We accept open and restricted datasets.

University research staff and research students can register and deposit data in the Archive. Up to 20 GB of data per project can deposited at no charge. Deposits greater than 20 GB may be subject to a charge and must be discussed with us before the deposit is made.

The Archive will enable you to comply with the University's Research Data Management Policy and any relevant funder policy for the long-term preservation/sharing of research data. In particular you can:

  • create and publish an online metadata record for a digital and/or non-digital dataset;
  • generate a unique permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your dataset, so that it can be easily cited and linked to;
  • deposit digital data files and related documentation for long-term preservation and access;
  • license your data and use access settings to control how your data files can be accessed and used.

More information and Archive policies can be found on the .

If you have questions about using the Archive please contact us.

Depositing Data

If you wish to deposit a dataset or register data in the Archive for the first time and would like to book a preliminary consultation, please contact us. We will help you prepare your data and documentation files for deposit, and address any relevant considerations, including intellectual property rights in the data, issues of consent and confidentiality, how the data will be licensed, and embargo and access control requirements for the data files.

As an eligible depositor you can deposit Datasets up to 20 GB in volume at any time without prior approval and at no cost.

Deposits greater than 20 GB may be subject to a charge and must be discussed with us before the deposit is made.

Deposits of restricted datasets must also be discussed with us prior to deposit.


We provide guidance on preparing for data archiving, available as a web page or for download. We recommend you read through this guidance before you contact us for a pre-deposit consultation or deposit data in the Archive. We also provide a Data Deposit Checklist (PDF), which you can use to check you have everything you need to submit an eligible and valid deposit. A can be booked through our MS Bookings form.

When you have everything ready, you can follow our step-by-step Data Deposit Instructions (PDF) to submit your data, and watch our video walkthrough (YuJa).

For guidance on what file formats to deposit your data in, you can refer to our list of Recommended File Formats (PDF).

If you are not sure what documentation to submit with your data, you can use our README template (txt) to identify the basic documentation requirements for data being deposited in the Archive.

Data offered or submitted to the Archive will be assessed for eligibility in accordance with the Archive's . You can make a preliminary assessment of your data using the Data Selection and Appraisal Checklist (PDF).

Restricted datasets

We offer a service for archiving and providing managed access to restricted datasets. These are research datasets that meet the definition of Restricted or Highly Restricted information in the University's Classification Policy. They may encompass datasets containing identifiable information and data that have been de-identified where a higher risk of disclosure is considered to exist, for example through linkage to private databases, and/or where a there is deemed to be a higher risk of harm in the event of disclosure, for example because of the sensitivity of the subject matter. These datasets cannot be made openly accessible, but providing certain conditions are met, they can be preserved and made available to authorised users under a Data Access Agreement.

If you wish to deposit a restricted dataset we will ask you to create a metadata record for the dataset according to the standard deposit procedure and to upload any public documentation files. We will hold the restricted dataset in secure storage on the University network, and publish the metadata record is published in the Research Data Archive, so that they can be cited and interested researchers may request access to the data. There is an example of a record for a restricted dataset in the Research Data Archive .

Access to a restricted dataset for research purposes can be requested by any researcher affiliated to a research organisation. The request will be reviewed by a Data Access Committee including the PI of the original study. If the request is authorised, we will arrange for the recipient organisation to sign a Data Access Agreement (see an example in ) and transfer the data for use by the authorised user(s).

We only archive restricted datasets where there is a documented ethical and legal basis for retaining the data and making them accessible to others. Participants must have consented to take part in the research on the understanding that data collected from them would be preserved and would or could be made available to other researchers. Providing you are transparent about who the data may be shared with, and for what purpose, and as long as appropriate safeguards are in place, it is possible to preserve data and make them accessible in compliance with legal and ethical obligations.

If you wish to deposit a restricted dataset, please first read the Restricted Dataset Deposit Guide (PDF), and then contact us to discuss your deposit.

DOI Allocation Service

The University allocates Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to datasets deposited in the Archive under a DataCite DOI Allocation Agreement with the British Library. Under this agreement any University service may allocate DOIs to digital objects providing this is done within the terms of the contract and according to the University's DataCite DOI Policy (PDF). If you are a service owner and are interested in using the DOI allocation service please contact us.

Contact us


Robert Darby, Research Data Manager


0118 378 6161