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Glossary and resources

Useful resources: 

We have a Contracts Directory which shows the different types of contract 澳门六合彩开奖记录 uses and the department responsible for each, which includes Legal Services and Procurement.  Commonly used documents with Procurement include the (used when employing external contractors – n.b. if not on campus you will need to use VPN to access this) and Single Action Waiver form (used when there is only one possible supplier for your purchased goods or services).

Glossary – agreement types

Amendment  Covers the modification of an existing contract by correcting, deleting from, or adding to the original wording
Collaboration Agreement  Covers collaborations (including both projects where funds are paid by one party to another, or where no funds are exchanged) between two or more organisations to deliver a specific project. Often used interchangeably with Consortium Agreement, but can also refer to business to university projects funded by the business partner
Confidentiality/Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA): Provides for confidentiality between the parties, usually for early stage discussions
Consortium Governs the conduct of a pre-agreed consortium of organisations working together on a specific project
Consultancy Covers commercial work carried out by academics or other University staff involving the provision of expertise or transfer of knowledge rather than creation of ‘new’ knowledge
Data license Covers the use and confidentiality of data coming into the University from elsewhere (licence in) or the transfer of the University's data to another organisation (license out)
Declaration of Honour  A statement of commitment, often used in EU funded projects, which often includes confirmation of adequate operational and/or financial capacity
Grant Agreement Covers the arrangements between a funder and grant recipient(s)
Letter of Intent A statement of commitment for parties to work together
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) See Confidentiality Agreement
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Covers the transfer of Materials (see below for definition) from or to the University;
Memorandum of Understanding Covers how the parties will work together in the future, this is often signed ahead of a main contract and sets out expectations for this in advance;
Studentship Covers the funding arrangements between the academic organisation and external funders. Can also include other provisions such as the student's conduct while working at the funder's premises, confidentiality and thesis copyright
Student IP Assignment Commits a student to assign to another organisation (including the University) their rights to any intellectual property created in the course of their studentship. Can include other provisions including confidentiality and thesis copyright
Subcontract Covers work subcontracted by one party to another to deliver a specific piece of work
Technical Services  Covers technical services provided by one organisation to another on a commercial basis.

Common contract terms

Background IP  Pre-existing intellectual property brought to a project by a party which already owns it or has the right to use it
Contract An agreement between parties intended to be enforceable by law made up of an offer, an acceptance of the offer and a consideration (a benefit to each party). Each party to a contract gains rights and obligations relative to the rights and obligations of the other party(ies). 
Foreground/Arising IP
Intellectual property created as a result of a project or research.
Fully executed Completed agreement which has been agreed and signed by all parties
Intellectual Property (IP)
The rights to ideas, designs, inventions, literary/artistic works and other forms of intellectual creation including those developed during research.
Materials Generally be defined as a physical item(s) that would be transferred for the purpose of analysing or having something done to/with it. This can include chemicals and chemical compounds; biological materials (which would include food samples); and human tissues and/or specimens. However, the definition of materials wouldn't include data or documentation.
Negotiation The process of agreeing the wording and provisions of a contract.
Party An organisation or person who is part of an agreement and signs to agree with its terms.
Personal Data
Any information which relates to an identified or identifiable living being. Different pieces of information which, when collected together, can lead to the identification of a particular person also constitute personal data. Personal data that has been de-identified, encrypted or pseudonymised, but that can be used to re-identify a person remains personal data. However, personal data that has been irreversibly rendered anonymous in such a way that the individual can no longer be identified is not personal data.  The exchange of staff information (e.g. names, email addresses) used for the administration of a project would also not be considered as personal data.