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Case for support

Case for Support and CVs

A Case for Support (CfS) must be attached to all Research Council applications. The CfS should be a self-contained description of the proposed research. Content requirements for the CfS vary according to the Research Council and the type of proposal being submitted. The specific requirements for each Research Council can be found in the funding guides (see table below).

There are strict format and page limit requirements for the CfS and other attachments, and proposals that do not meet these requirements will be returned with a request to amend the formatting. In most cases, font styles such as Arial or Helvetica should be used as these are more easily readable by Peer Reviewers with visual impairment. For the same reason, type should normally be no smaller than size 11 and should be justified only on the left hand side. Minimum margins of 2cm in all directions must be used. Please check the specific format requirements of each Research Council before preparing a CfS.

The following table summarises the format requirements for the CfS, and lists the other attachments required for Research Council applications:

Research Council

Format requirements for the Case for Support


Requirements for the CfS vary according to the type of proposal being submitted. For standard research grants and follow-on funding schemes, the CfS should not exceed six A4 sides, and for research networking schemes the CfS should not exceed four A4 sides. For all schemes, the CfS should be in Arial font no smaller than size 11. A word count should also be indicated at the end of the document.

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found in the AHRC funding guide, which can be accessed via JeS Help:


Font-type Arial, Helvetica or Verdana and a minimum font size of 11 must be used for the entire CfS, Justification of Resources and CVs (excluding text on diagrams and the use of mathematical symbols). The CfS should contain a previous research track record (maximum two A4 sides), a statement on data sharing (one A4 side), and a description of the proposed research and its content (maximum six A4 sides for one RA; a further two A4 sides are allowed for each additional full-time RA or RA equivalent post).

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found in the BBSRC funding guide, which can be accessed via JeS Help at:


The CfS must not exceed six A4 sides in the case of applications for less than £1million at 100% Full Economic Cost (FEC) or twelve A4 sides in the case of applications for £1million or more at 100% FEC. A minimum font size of 12 must be used.

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found in the ESRC funding guide, which can be accessed via JeS Help at:


The CfS should contain a previous research track record of maximum two A4 sides, and a description of the proposed research and its content of maximum six A4 sides. A minimum font size of 11 must be used.

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found in the EPSRC funding guide, which can be accessed via JeS Help at:


The contents and page limits of the CfS depend on the specific scheme but the CfS should include, amongst other things, the scientific proposal, information on past achievements, details of the environment, people involved and references. Typeface Verdana and font-size 10 must be used.

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found on JeS Help at:


The CfS must be printed in single-spaced typescript of minimum font size 11 point (Arial font). It should contain a previous track record of maximum two A4 sides, a description of the proposed research and its content (page limit depends on type of grant), and a Gantt Chart as an additional attachment.

Specific guidance on the format and content of the CfS can be found in the NERC funding guide, which can be accessed via JeS Help at:

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae (CVs) must be no more than 2 sides of A4 per person and should be submitted as attachment type CV.

For example, in BBSRC applications, CVs should include details of:

  • employment history (give dates and details of position held including the nature of your current employment)
  • qualifications (state subject, class of degree with university dates)
  • patents
  • most recent publications, within last 5 years, in refereed journals relevant to the project

Please note that any lists of publications should be included within the CV and not submitted as a separate document. Separate lists of publications and other unsolicited documents will not be included in the peer review process.

Specific guidance on the format of CVs for each Research Council can be found in the funding guides (see table above).

Guidance on how to complete other sections of the Case for Support can be found here:


Justification of Resources