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Travel FAQs

Travel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please click one of the links to take you to the FAQ area.

*  General

Sustainable Travel

* Booking and Authorising Travel

* Health & Safety and Communications

* Insurance


  • Who does the Travel policy apply to?

The Travel Policy applies to all staff, students and any person travelling with the knowledge and consent of the University and its subsidiary companies, including their accompanying spouse/partner and/or children. It applies to those travelling for study or on business on behalf of the University.

  • Who is responsible for the policy?

Any individual who requests, books or authorises travel in connection with University business is responsible for complying with the Policy.
The Business Travel Management Company, Heads of School/Function, and Finance for high-value bookings, are responsible for enforcing the policy when authorising travel requests.
The development of the Policy was led by Procurement, with input from a team of colleagues including from Sustainability, HR, Insurance and Health and Safety.

  • Who do I need to use to book travel?  

Do you need to travel?  Can you use technology as an alternative?  If not, please contact the Travel Management Company (TMC) who can help you with the arrangements. 

  • What do I need to do before I travel?

There are several actions you need to take:

The Booking Travel pages and Pre-Travel check-list give you detailed information on what actions you should take before travelling.  

For travel within a travel time of 8 hours or less each way, a train must be used.  This includes routes to European destinations.  The travel time for European travel by train is calculated based on the departure from London St Pancras.  

Examples of capital cities within 8 hours travelling time from London St Pancras.


Train time (hrs)















Over 8 hours travel time and outside UK, economy flights must be taken.  No business class flights. 

For all travel outside the UK, you must use one of the University鈥檚 travel management companies to arrange your travel and accommodation.

  • How long after the purchase is made for travel can I claim it back? 

For expenses claim 鈥 as soon as you have proof of purchase. 

For insurance claim 鈥 only once confirmed that there is a valid insurance claim.  Please contact the Insurance team uor-insurance@reading.ac.uk for more information.

  • I have questions about travel expenses. Who should I talk to?

Please refer to the Finance expenses policy

  • How far in advance should I start the travel request process?

As soon as you can but it needs to be 30 days prior to travel.  

  • Can the University book travel and accommodation for colleagues and be reimbursed by an event organiser later?

Ideally, the event organiser will book and pay of the travel and accommodation.  In these instances, the member of staff must follow the booking organisations travel policy.  Please check with the organiser and check whether you are covered on their insurance or whether you need UOR insurance. 

  • Why must the Travel Policy be followed when research funds and grants are involved?

The Travel Policy must be followed by any staff, students, visitors on University business or where the University is funding the trip.  All research funding and grants go into a University bank account and therefore is deemed to be University money. 

  • How should the Policy be applied for external visitors?

The Travel Policy applies to bookings made on behalf of anyone travelling on University business, including external guests visiting the University. Colleagues are advised to warn guests at the point at which their visit is confirmed that their transport and accommodation must comply with the Policy in order to be reimbursed.

  • What happens if I don鈥檛 comply with this Policy?

Non鈥恈ompliance with this policy may result in action being taken in accordance with the University鈥檚 disciplinary procedures for staff and students.

For individuals external to the University, travel or visits to the University may be refused or not reimbursed.

  • What should I do if I have concerns about this Policy?

Any questions concerning this policy should, in the first instance, be referred to Lisa Jeffries, Director of Procurement.

Sustainable travel

  • Why is sustainability necessary for this Policy?

Sustainability is one of the key principles in the University Strategy, and the University has set a target to be net carbon zero by 2030. Travel contributes a large proportion of the University鈥檚 overall emissions 鈥 business flights contributed a third of our total emissions alone in 2018/19 鈥 so new regulations and processes around this vitally important.

  • What does business travel include?

Any travel which is being undertaken on university business anywhere in the world which differs from your employment location(s). Examples of this includes conferences, field trips, study abroad, placements and research.

  • How do I know what mode of transport is greenest?

A Business Travel Hierarchy is included in the Policy document to help staff consider the most common forms of transport and make the most appropriate choice. The Hierarchy ranges from flights being the highest-carbon option of travel to walking or cycling or using digital alternatives to travel as the lowest.

  • Who decides if travel is sustainable enough?

Heads of School/Function are responsible for authorising travel (see 鈥楢uthorising travel鈥 section). Carbon budgets will soon be assigned to each School/Function and these will help with prioritising and making decisions on travel.

  • Can I take a taxi to the airport?

Yes. Public transport should be used if possible but if not a taxi can be used.

  • How will the carbon budgets and flight levies work?

Work is ongoing to assign a carbon budget to each School/Function, to help prioritise and make decisions on travel requests. More information on this will be shared soon.

  • How will exceptions to sustainability criteria be monitored?

Approved exceptions will be monitored at an institutional level, not an individual level. This means that every travel request will be treated on its individual merits, while we will monitor whether the number of overall exceptions being granted is in keeping with an effective Policy.

  • Will the sustainability criteria unfairly penalise some individuals or compromise safety?

We fully recognise that some colleagues will be less able to choose low-carbon transport, due to having a disability, caring commitments or another reason. The Travel Policy will not prevent these colleagues from having equal opportunity to travel. Exceptions can be granted in certain individual circumstances.
Safety is the number one concern when booking travel, and exceptions to the Policy are possible when using a low-carbon transport option would compromise a colleague鈥檚 safety.

  • Where can I get advice on various aspects of the Policy?

Advice can be sought by colleagues from a number of teams: Heads of Schools/Functions on travel authorisation; Insurance on travel claims; the Travel Management Company for assistance in an emergency (out of hours charge may apply); Procurement on travel booking queries; Human Resources for advice on exceptions; Finance for assistance with budgets; and Sustainability Services on School/Function level emissions data.

  • Will travel that is already booked be affected by sustainability criteria?

All travel already approved prior to the launch of the Travel Policy on Aug 1, 2023 will not be subject to the sustainability criteria. However, where possible travel bookings should be amended to choose lower-carbon options.

  • Do the sustainability criteria apply to staff/student commutes?

The Policy currently only covers University business travel. However, the (published in 2022 and on which the Policy is based), do provide guidance on sustainable commuting.

Booking and Authorising travel

  •  If a member of staff pays for a student鈥檚 travel using a purchase card, must it then go through the Travel Management Company?

Yes. The booking should be made via the travel management company.

  • Can I use my own personal card to book hotel or flights?

Ideally not, school finance departments have access to University purchase cards which can be done on your behalf.  If this is not possible please refer to the Finance expenses policy

  • Does a PG/UG student need to book travel (flights, hotel) through the Travel Management Company if funding comes from the university? Or from funds held by University?

Any students booking travel and hotels using university funds can book for themselves and claim back the expense, but must comply with the policy and book via the Travel Management Company. The exception to this rule is where the student is funding more than 50% of the total cost themselves, and in this case, the student can choose who they book with.

  • What if I am going away for more than 2-3 weeks?

Please contact the TMC in the first instance.  If they are unable to locate suitable accommodation or if the hotel costs are prohibitive then medium and long stay accommodation such as apartments and houses can be sort with the Head of Function / School approval. 

  • Can I book transport or accommodation myself if I find it cheaper than via the University鈥檚 Travel Management Company?

No, all procurement activity is carried out in accordance with legal requirements, financial regulations, the procurement policy and procedural guidance. The objective is to secure maximum value for money consistent with our acceptable standards of quality and service. The University has made the decision to use a TMC based on commercial models and quality criteria the supplier must meet. The role of the TMC goes beyond just the cost of the ticket.

  • Who is responsible for authorising exceptions to the travel policy?

Heads of School/Function are responsible for granting any exceptions to their staff members.

  • Is there a company that helps us obtain a visa?

The insurance office can supply a confirmation of insurance cover letter for travellers.  This letter can be used when applying for a Visa. University teams are not qualified to advise on travel visas. It is recommended that travellers read embassy/consulate very clearly for guidance and applications. If studying abroad, a partner who has knowledge of immigration matters may be able to assist. CIBT Visas is an external organisation that may be able to assist - 

Health and Safety and Communications

  •  My trip is low-risk - why do I need an international risk assessment?

A risk assessment is a crucial document which not only assists the individual to plan their trip safely but also enables the University to fulfil its duty of care obligations to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff and students.  The worldwide security picture has changed significantly in recent years and it鈥檚 important that staff and students are up to date on potential risks of overseas travel, even in apparently low risk countries, and have suitable plans in place to keep themselves safe in an emergency scenario.

Please ensure to refer to the Health & Safety Code of Practice 38: Guidance on International Travel (Sections 4.1.8 and 7) to ensure any equipment you intend to bring on your trip is not subject to restrictions e.g. is illegal in the destination country or not permitted to be carried on the intended mode of transport. 

  • Where can I find the international risk assessment form?

Download and complete the international travel risk assessment TRA1 formThis will need to be authorised by your Head of School or Function.  Where the FCDO advises against all travel, or you are travelling to a sanctioned country, you will need to seek further authorisation from the Vice Chancellor before booking travel.  Your local Health and Safety Coordinator can provide further advice on risk assessment.

  • What happens to my risk assessment once it has been authorised?

Once your risk assessment is completed and authorised, please submit it as an attachment to the  (you will see an option to attach it as you work through the form). It is stored by the Insurance team for ease of access in the event of an emergency which may occur out of normal business hours.

  • Why do I need to fill in both the international risk assessment and the overseas travel form?

These are separate processes to fulfil insurance and health and safety obligations.  However, the travel process is under review currently and ways to streamline this for staff and students are being considered. 

  • What should I do if I receive an error on completing the Online overseas travel form?  Do I just submit a hard copy TRA1 to the Insurance office instead?

The overseas travel form must be completed as it is an online record of your trip and itinerary that may be required in the case of an emergency.  If you receive an error when completing this form it is likely to be one of the following reasons :

If you are off campus log on to the VPN

  • Failure to enter your starting country UK & city
  • Use of opening and closing angled brackets with some characters within e.g., 鈥<test>鈥 Within the itinerary boxes, such as flight, hotel fields
  • Only load a PDF version of the TRA1 Risk Assessment, it will not accept Word.

If you continue to have issues please contact the insurance office.

  • Whose responsibility is it to create a risk assessment for a trip/field trip?

The individual traveller or fieldtrip group leader. Please remember that for any fieldwork, Health & Safety Code of Practice 32: Fieldwork applies.

  • If another institution overseas has booked my flights and accommodation, do I still need to complete the international risk assessment and overseas travel form?

Yes.  As an employee or student of the 澳门六合彩开奖记录, a duty of care remains with your institution.

  • What if a colleague/student has travelled overseas but has not completed the international risk assessment or overseas travel form?

If a risk assessment has not been completed this may invalidate cover under the University鈥檚 insurance policy.

  • What guidance is available for LGBTQ+ travellers?

The  site from our Insurers, offers guidance for LGBTQ+ travellers. Staff can also set up daily news and travel alerts in the Lifeline Plus Travel Assistance App. The FCDO provide travel advice on their webpage page .

  • Can I take IT and other equipment with me while travelling?

Please see Section 9 鈥楢ccess to IT in high-risk countries鈥 of the Travel Policy for more advice. Please refer to the Health & Safety Code of Practice 38: Guidance on International Travel (Sections 4.1.8 and 7) to ensure any equipment you intend to bring on your trip is not subject to restrictions e.g. is illegal in the destination country or not permitted to be carried on the intended mode of transport. Where it is fieldwork, then Health & Safety Code of Practice 32: Fieldwork also applies.

Some software and data may also be restricted by UK export control procedures.

Ensure any equipment/devices are covered by your insurance policy.

Exercise caution if taking IT equipment to a high-risk country as access to some services might be restricted and different privacy laws may apply. Please refer to  advice before travelling.

  • I need to communicate by mobile phone while overseas. What are the guidelines?

Any cellular usage outside the UK and EU (roam like at home) is expensive. 

Although some charges are inevitable, it is possible to reduce costs by:

- Using wifi as much as possible

- Switching off cellular data when not required

- Switching off data roaming when not required

- Buying a local sim, Android handsets usually have a dual sim option. Apple doesn't offer this but you can often insert a local sim for use during your trip.

- You may want to consider purchasing a satellite phone if you will be working in remote areas. Please try to liaise with local providers to find out what devices will work best in the area where you are travelling. Share the contact details of any device that you purchase with your University and emergency contacts.


  • Do I have to inform the University鈥檚 Insurance team that I am travelling in order to be insured?

You do not need to contact the insurance office directly to inform us you are travelling.  However, you must complete the insurance form to ensure cover is in place.

  • Can I participate in sports & activities during my trip in my free time?

During your free time whilst on your trip overseas you may wish to participate in sports and other activities such as cycling, scuba diving, skiing etc. There are generally no activity exclusions under the policy however it is recommended that the traveller use a reputable company who hold sufficient insurance. 

There is one stipulation in relation to any diving undertaken in excess of 25m depth, primarily whereby diving is for research purposes. Please contact the insurance office uor-insurance@reading.ac.uk. A copy of the risk assessment is required by insurers before cover can be confirmed. 

  • Incidental Holiday Cover in conjunction with Staff or Student Travel.

Insurers accept that from time to time insured persons will request extension of the Travel Insurance to provide cover in respect of Holiday trips in conjunction with a formal business trip. It is considered reasonable to extend a business trip, before or after such trip for a number of days relative tot he business duration. Incidental holidays do not intend to accommodate what would normally be considered to be stand-alone holiday cover. 

If you have any particular trip details you are unsure about please contact uor-insurance@reading.ac.uk

Business Trip duration (days) Holiday duration (days)
Less than 5 0
5-12 2
13-21 5


36-50 12
51-65 16
66-80 20
81-100 23
101-365 25
Over 365 28

Cover includes stopping off in another country.

For staff please note that living and working overseas for extended periods may lead to legal, financial and tax implications for you and for the University. Such arrangements are not appropriate without specific approval. Please speak to your Head of School / Directorate.

  • Can I take medication when I travel? 

If you take regular medication (prescribed) please ensure you take an adequate stock when you travel overseas and ensure that the medication you are taking is permitted by your destination country. This information can be found on the  or the AIG travel App.  The travel insurance policy will not pay for medication for ongoing pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes) if you forget to take them. Prescription medication should be carried in hand luggage and be clearly labelled with prescription information from your doctor. Please see the Travel Insurance webpage for more information about medication and pre-existing conditions.