

Humanities - Modules for 2024/5

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
CL1G1 Ancient Greek 1 1 More Information
CL1GH Greek History: war, society, and change in the Archaic Age 1 More Information
CL1L1 Latin 1 (C) 1 More Information
CL1PP The Past in the Present 1 More Information
CL1RH Roman History: the rise and fall of the Republic 1 More Information
CL1SO Ancient Song 1 More Information
CL1TR Texts, Readers, and Writers 1 More Information
CL2AE Ancient Epic 2 More Information
CL2AEL Ancient Egyptian Language and Hieroglyphs 2 More Information
CL2CC Careers for Classicists and Ancient Historians 2 More Information
CL2CCP Careers for Classicists and Ancient Historians with Placement 2 More Information
CL2CGH Greek History: Persian Wars to Alexander 2 More Information
CL2DR Ancient Drama 2 More Information
CL2EL Entertainment and Leisure in Roman Society 2 More Information
CL2G2 Ancient Greek 2 (I) 2 More Information
CL2G3 Ancient Greek 3 (I) 2 More Information
CL2GRM Greek Religion and Mythology 2 More Information
CL2GSA Greek Sculpture and Architecture 2 More Information
CL2L2 Latin 2 (I) 2 More Information
CL2L3 Latin 3 (I) 2 More Information
CL2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
CL2RO Roman History: From Republic to Empire 2 More Information
CL2RST Roman Satire 2 More Information
CL2SA1 Study Abroad Placement in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SA3 Study Abroad Placement in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SA4 Study Abroad Placement in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
CL2SI My Mother's Sin and other Stories 2 More Information
CL3AB Ancient Biography 3 More Information
CL3ANX Xenophon's Anabasis 3 More Information
CL3APP Aristotle: Philology, Philosophy, Politics 3 More Information
CL3BSA Archaeology and Topography of Ancient Greece 3 More Information
CL3DIS Dissertation in Classics 3 More Information
CL3ET Ancient Ethiopia: The Aksumite Kingdom 3 More Information
CL3G3 Ancient Greek 3 3 More Information
CL3G4 Ancient Greek 4 (H) 3 More Information
CL3G5 Ancient Greek 5 (H) 3 More Information
CL3G6 Ancient Greek 6 3 More Information
CL3IPR Independent project in Classics 3 More Information
CL3L3 Latin 3 (I) 3 More Information
CL3L4 Latin 4 (H) 3 More Information
CL3L5 Latin 5 (H) 3 More Information
CL3L6 Latin 6 3 More Information
CL3LEAD Leadership Skills and Values from Antiquity 3 More Information
CL3NH History, Culture and Society in the time of Nero 3 More Information
CL3RA Race in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds 3 More Information
CL3RNW The Romans and the Natural World 3 More Information
CLMACW Approaches to the Classical World M More Information
CLMDS Dissertation M More Information
CLMG1 Ancient Greek 1 M More Information
CLMG2 Ancient Greek 2 M More Information
CLMG3 Ancient Greek 3 M More Information
CLMG4 Ancient Greek 4 M More Information
CLMG5 Ancient Greek 5 M More Information
CLMG6 Ancient Greek 6 M More Information
CLML1 Latin 1 M More Information
CLML2 Latin 2 M More Information
CLML3 Latin 3 M More Information
CLML4 Latin 4 M More Information
CLML5 Latin 5 M More Information
CLML6 Latin 6 M More Information
CLMOP1 Special Option 1 M More Information
CLMOP2 Special Option 2 M More Information
CLMOP3 Special Option 3: Study Abroad M More Information
CLMRES Research Methods M More Information
EN0CID Changing Identities 0 More Information
EN0EH Environmental Humanities 0 More Information
EN0FN Film Narrative 0 More Information
EN0GID Global Identities 0 More Information
EN0SFS Study for Success 0 More Information
EN1CW Introduction to Creative Writing 1 More Information
EN1IDR Introduction to Drama 1 More Information
EN1MAC Modern American Culture and Counterculture 1 More Information
EN1PE Poetry in English 1 More Information
EN1PWI Prose: Writing Identities 1 More Information
EN1SL Shelf Life 1 More Information
EN1TPW Theories and Practice of Writing 1 More Information
EN2BB The Business of Books 2 More Information
EN2CF Contemporary Fiction 2 More Information
EN2CT Critical Thinking 2 More Information
EN2CWN Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction 2 More Information
EN2CWP Creative Writing: Poetry 2 More Information
EN2CWS Creative Writing: The Short Story 2 More Information
EN2EM Early Modern Texts and Cultures 2 More Information
EN2ERR Enlightenment, Revolution and Romanticism 2 More Information
EN2MLR Myth, Legend and Romance: Medieval Storytelling 2 More Information
EN2MOD Modernism in Poetry and Fiction 2 More Information
EN2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
EN2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
EN2VIC Victorian Literature 2 More Information
EN2WAPN Writing America: Perspectives on the Nation 2 More Information
EN3AGN American Graphic Novels 3 More Information
EN3BAV British Black and Asian Voices: 1948 to the Present 3 More Information
EN3CL Children's Literature 3 More Information
EN3CPB Communication and Persuasion in Business 3 More Information
EN3CW Creative Writing Dissertation 3 More Information
EN3CWA Dissertation for Art and Creative Writing Joint Honours Students 3 More Information
EN3DD Decadence and Degeneration: Literature of the 1890s 3 More Information
EN3DIS Dissertation 3 More Information
EN3DISA Dissertation for Art and English Literature Joint Honours Students 3 More Information
EN3GLT Global Literatures: Translation as Theme and Theory 3 More Information
EN3JJ James Joyce 3 More Information
EN3LH Literature and Healing 3 More Information
EN3LMH Literature and Mental Health 3 More Information
EN3MCP Modern and Contemporary British Poetry 3 More Information
EN3MPS Creative Writing Masterclass: Prose 3 More Information
EN3MPY Creative Writing Masterclass: Poetry 3 More Information
EN3PA Placing Jane Austen 3 More Information
EN3PSY Psychoanalysis and Text 3 More Information
EN3RF From Romance to Fantasy 3 More Information
EN3RRR Romanticism: Revolt and Reaction 3 More Information
EN3SHF Shakespeare on Film 3 More Information
EN3TBS The Bloody Stage: Revenge and Death in Renaissance Drama 3 More Information
EN3UTD Utopia and Dystopia in English and American Literature 3 More Information
EN3VW Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury 3 More Information
EN3WWP Writing Women: Nineteenth Century Poetry 3 More Information
ENMCH8 Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Children s Literature M More Information
ENMCHDI Dissertation M More Information
ENMCHG Global Children s Literatures in English M More Information
ENMCHL Myth, Folktale and Popular Culture M More Information
ENMCHT Theory of Children's Literature M More Information
ENMCLE Contemporary Literature and Ethnicity M More Information
ENMCWDS Creative Writing Dissertation M More Information
ENMMAC Modern and Contemporary Literature M More Information
ENMMAT Materiality and Textuality M More Information
ENMMEDS Dissertation M More Information
ENMPBB Publishing and the Business of Books M More Information
ENMPD1 Project Development 1 M More Information
ENMPD2 Project Development 2 M More Information
ENMRAV Romantics and Victorians M More Information
ENMWL This Writing Life: Get Published, Keep Going M More Information
FR1IFA Ideas of Frenchness 1 1 More Information
FR1IFB Ideas of Frenchness 2 1 More Information
FR1L1 Beginners French Language 1 More Information
FR1L2 Intermediate French Language 1 More Information
FR1L3 Advanced French Language I 1 More Information
FR2CHF Children s books in France 2 More Information
FR2FWW The First World War: Then and Now 2 More Information
FR2HTF How to Think in French 2 More Information
FR2L2 Intermediate French Language 2 More Information
FR2L3 Advanced French Language I 2 More Information
FR2L4 Advanced French Language II 2 More Information
FR3L3 Advanced French Language I 3 More Information
FR3L4 Advanced French Language II 3 More Information
FR3L6 Advanced French Language III 3 More Information
FR3L6C Advanced French Language III 3 More Information
FR3M68 May '68 3 More Information
FR3PF Philanthropy la fran aise: the history of ideas and practices in the French third sector 3 More Information
FR3PM French Popular Music and Society 3 More Information
GM1BG Belonging in Germany 1 More Information
GM1L1 Beginners German Language 1 More Information
GM1L2 Intermediate German Language 1 More Information
GM1L3 Advanced German Language I 1 More Information
GM1MCG The Making of Contemporary Germany 1 More Information
GM2CG Cinema of Germany 2 More Information
GM2GDC Glorification, Denial and Contempt Reconstructing Austria's Past 2 More Information
GM2L2 German Language II 2 More Information
GM2L3 Advanced German Language I 2 More Information
GM2L4 Advanced German Language II 2 More Information
GM3L3 German Language 3 3 More Information
GM3L4 Advanced German Language II 3 More Information
GM3L6 Advanced German Language III 3 More Information
GM3L6C Advanced German Language III (3-yr prog) 3 More Information
GM3LNI The German Language and National identity 3 More Information
GM3WOS War on Screen - Germany and its films about WWII 3 More Information
HS1001 Arriving in Britain: a History of Immigration, 1685-2004 1 More Information
HS1004 Doomsday Dystopias: Nuclear Disaster in the Cold War Imagination 1 More Information
HS1006 Hunger and Famines in History 1 More Information
HS1007 Merlin: Magic and Prophecy 1 More Information
HS1010 Radicalism and Protest in Britain: from the Levellers to Black Lives Matter 1 More Information
HS1011 Everyday Life in a Medieval Town: Reading, 1100-1500 1 More Information
HS1016 Warfare in Early Modern Europe, c 1500-1715 1 More Information
HS1019 After Malthus: Sex, Society, and Sustainability in the Long Nineteenth Century 1 More Information
HS1024 US Foreign Policy and the Environment: from Nixon to Obama 1 More Information
HS1EE Exploring Evidence 1 More Information
HS1HN History Now 1 More Information
HS1MH Making History and You: Practices and Possibilities 1 More Information
HS1PIH Perspectives in History 1 More Information
HS2GPP Going Public: Presenting the Past, Planning the Future 2 More Information
HS2O10 The Colonial Experience: Africa, 1879 to 1980 2 More Information
HS2O11 Hollywood Histories: Film and the Past 2 More Information
HS2O13 The Crusades, 1095-1291 2 More Information
HS2O16 'The brightest jewel in the British crown': The Making of Modern South Asia, 1757-1947 2 More Information
HS2O17 Reform and Revolt in the Modern Middle East: Egypt from Ataturk to the 'Arab Spring' 2 More Information
HS2O19 Europe in the Twentieth Century 2 More Information
HS2O3 People, power and revolution: political culture in seventeenth-century England 2 More Information
HS2O4 Women and Medieval History 2 More Information
HS2O55 American Century: United States history since 1898 2 More Information
HS2O56 Medieval Medicine 2 More Information
HS2O57 Encountering the Atlantic World, 1450-1850 2 More Information
HS2O58 Black Britain: Race and Migration in Post-war Britain 2 More Information
HS2O60 Noise Annoys: British Youth Culture, Popular Music and Social Change, 1950s-90s 2 More Information
HS2O62 From Revolution to Reconstruction: A Social History of the Nineteenth-Century USA 2 More Information
HS2O7 Kingship and Crisis in England, c.1154 1330 2 More Information
HS2PFD Preparing for your Dissertation 2 More Information
HS2SAA Study Abroad 2 More Information
HS2SAB Study Abroad 2 More Information
HS2SAC Study Abroad 2 More Information
HS2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
HS2WEY Work Experience Year 2 More Information
HS3HED History Education 3 More Information
HS3HLD Dissertation in History 3 More Information
HS3SAU Anarchy in the UK: Punk, Politics and Youth Culture in Britain, 1976-84 3 More Information
HS3SBR Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794 3 More Information
HS3SGA Gender in Africa 3 More Information
HS3SHP Heretics and Popes: Heresy and Persecution in the Medieval World 3 More Information
HS3SSP Sexual Politics: Gender, Sex, and Feminism in Britain after 1918 3 More Information
HS3T101 Pirates of the Caribbean: Empire, Slavery, and Society, 1550-1750 3 More Information
HS3T103 The American Civil War 3 More Information
HS3T104 Utopia: the Quest for a Perfect World 3 More Information
HS3T25 Medieval Magic and the Origins of the Witch-Craze 3 More Information
HS3T75 The United States and the Cold War 3 More Information
HS3T77 Battleaxes and Benchwarmers': Early female MPs 1919-1931 3 More Information
HS3T78 Religion and Politics in the Medieval West, 1050-1492 3 More Information
HS3T82 Axis at War: Life and Death in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, 1936-45 3 More Information
HS3T90 Poor Law to Hostile Environment: Repatriation, Deportation and Exclusion from Britain 1800-2016 3 More Information
HS3T98 From Darwin to Death Camps? Evolution and eugenics in European society, 1859-1945 3 More Information
HSMBHM Becoming a Historian: Theory and Themes in Medieval History M More Information
HSMBHT Becoming a Historian: Theory and Themes M More Information
HSMDSS Dissertation M More Information
HSMHCL Working with Historical Collections: Sources and Audiences M More Information
HSMOP1 Option One M More Information
HSMOP2 Option Two M More Information
HSMTTD Towards the Dissertation M More Information
IT10MI Making Italians: A Journey in the History and Culture of Modern Italy 1 More Information
IT1IL Introduction to Linguistics 1 More Information
IT1L1 Beginners Italian Language 1 More Information
IT1L2 Intermediate Italian Language 1 More Information
IT1L3 Advanced Italian Language I 1 More Information
IT2INT 'Apocalittici e integrati': Intellectuals and Society in Twentieth Century Italy 2 More Information
IT2L2 Intermediate Italian Language 2 More Information
IT2L3 Advanced Italian Language I 2 More Information
IT2L4 Advanced Italian Language II 2 More Information
IT2LVS One country, many languages. Linguistic variety and society in contemporary Italy 2 More Information
IT3CCO Crisis, Change, Opportunity: Italy from 1968 to the Present 3 More Information
IT3L3 Advanced Italian Language I 3 More Information
IT3L4 Advanced Italian Language II 3 More Information
IT3L6 Advanced Italian Language III 3 More Information
IT3L6C Advanced Italian Language III (3-yr programme) 3 More Information
IT3LDI Language, Diversity, and Inclusion: The representation of the otherness in Italian context 3 More Information
LA1PA2 IWLP Arabic 2 1 More Information
LA1PA3 IWLP Arabic 3 1 More Information
LA1PA8 IWLP Arabic 1 1 More Information
LA1PB1 IWLP British Sign Language 1 1 More Information
LA1PB2 IWLP British Sign Language 2 1 More Information
LA1PB3 IWLP British Sign Language 3 1 More Information
LA1PC1 IWLP Chinese 1 1 More Information
LA1PC2 IWLP Chinese 2 1 More Information
LA1PC3 IWLP Chinese 3 1 More Information
LA1PF1 IWLP French 1 1 More Information
LA1PF2 IWLP French 2 1 More Information
LA1PF3 IWLP French 3 1 More Information
LA1PF4 IWLP French 4 1 More Information
LA1PG1 IWLP German 1 1 More Information
LA1PG2 IWLP German 2 1 More Information
LA1PG3 IWLP German 3 1 More Information
LA1PI1 IWLP Italian 1 1 More Information
LA1PI2 IWLP Italian 2 1 More Information
LA1PI3 IWLP Italian 3 1 More Information
LA1PJ1 IWLP Japanese 1 1 More Information
LA1PJ2 IWLP Japanese 2 1 More Information
LA1PJ3 IWLP Japanese 3 1 More Information
LA1PK1 IWLP Modern Greek 1 1 More Information
LA1PK2 IWLP Modern Greek 2 1 More Information
LA1PK3 IWLP Modern Greek 3 1 More Information
LA1PR1 IWLP Russian 1 1 More Information
LA1PR2 IWLP Russian 2 1 More Information
LA1PR3 IWLP Russian 3 1 More Information
LA1PS1 IWLP Spanish 1 1 More Information
LA1PS2 IWLP Spanish 2 1 More Information
LA1PS3 IWLP Spanish 3 1 More Information
LS1ELS English Language and Society 1 More Information
LS1GL Globalization and Language 1 More Information
LS1SG Sounds, Grammar and Meaning 1 More Information
LS1TAL Techniques and Skills for Applied Linguistics 1 More Information
LS2ANS Analysing Speech 2 More Information
LS2DAN Discourse Analysis 2 More Information
LS2EGP English Grammar and Phonology 2 More Information
LS2LAG Language and Gender 2 More Information
LS2LAM Language and the Mind 2 More Information
LS2LAT Introduction to English Language Teaching 2 More Information
LS2LDM Language and Digital Media 2 More Information
LS2SLG Sociolinguistics 2 More Information
LS2SSA Semester Study Abroad 2 More Information
LS2YPE Placement Experience Year 2 More Information
LS2YSA Study Abroad 2 More Information
LS3DCL Child Language Development 3 More Information
LS3DI Dissertation 3 More Information
LS3IC Intercultural Communications 3 More Information
LS3ICL Introduction to Corpus Linguistics 3 More Information
LS3LMG Language and Migration 3 More Information
LS3LPC Language in Professional Communication 3 More Information
LS3LST Teaching the Language Skills 3 More Information
LS3PCP Professional Communication Project 3 More Information
LSMAPAL Academic Practices in Applied Linguistics M More Information
LSMCL Child Language Development M More Information
LSMDIP Language Teaching Portfolio M More Information
LSMDIS Dissertation M More Information
LSMFLS Foundations of Language Study M More Information
LSMIC Intercultural Communication M More Information
LSMICL Introduction to Corpus Linguistics M More Information
LSMLAM Language and Migration M More Information
LSMLCL Language Curriculum Design M More Information
LSMLST Issues in Language Skills Teaching M More Information
LSMPAL Principles of Applied Linguistics M More Information
LSMRDM Research Design Methods M More Information
LSMSL Second Language Learning Principles M More Information
LSMSOC Sociolinguistics M More Information
LSMTP Language Testing Principles M More Information
ML1GEC Greats of European Cinema 1 More Information
ML1IL Introduction to Linguistics 1 More Information
ML1LIB Liberty and Empire in the Making of the Modern World: 1789-to the Present 1 More Information
ML1TT Thinking Translation: History and Theory 1 More Information
ML2STA Society, Thought, and Art in Modern Europe 2 More Information
ML2UNR Unity, Nationalism and Regionalism in Europe 2 More Information
ML2YL5 Year Abroad Language 2 More Information
ML2YS1 Semester 1 Study or Work Placement Abroad 2 More Information
ML2YS2 Semester 2 Study or Work Placement Abroad 2 More Information
ML3EE Extended Essay 3 More Information
ML3FWF Future Worlds in Film 3 More Information
ML3IC Identity and Conflict in Modern Europe 3 More Information
ML3LMB Modern Languages for Management and Business 3 More Information
ML3LP Language and Power 3 More Information
MLMDSS Dissertation M More Information
MLMIMS Introduction to Migration Studies M More Information
MLMWEP Work Placement or Extended Project M More Information
MSMSTA Option A M More Information
MSMSTB Option B M More Information
SP1L1 Beginners Spanish Language 1 More Information
SP1L2 Intermediate Spanish Language 1 More Information
SP1L3 Advanced Spanish Language 1 1 More Information
SP1MSLA The Making of Modern Spain and Latin America 1 More Information
SP1SLAC Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Culture 1 More Information
SP2CR Culture & Revolution in Modern Latin America 2 More Information
SP2L2 Intermediate Spanish Language 2 More Information
SP2L3 Advanced Spanish Language I 2 More Information
SP2L4 Advanced Spanish Language II 2 More Information
SP2MCN Modern and Contemporary Spanish Narratives 2 More Information
SP2TT Transatlantic Exchanges: Latin America in the Global Nineteenth Century 2 More Information
SP3L3 Advanced Spanish Language I 3 More Information
SP3L4 Advanced Spanish Language II 3 More Information
SP3L6 Advanced Spanish Language III 3 More Information
SP3L6C Advanced Spanish Language III (3-year programme) 3 More Information
SP3MDR Memory, Dictatorship and Cultural Resistance in the Southern Cone 3 More Information
SP3NCC Narrating the Colombian Conflict 3 More Information
SP3WPS Writers and Publishers in Spain 3 More Information

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