

Humanities - Modules for 2021/2

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
CL1G1 Ancient Greek 1 1 More Information
CL1GH Greek History: war, society, and change in the Archaic Age 1 More Information
CL1L1 Latin 1 (C) 1 More Information
CL1L3 Latin 3 (I) 1 More Information
CL1RH Roman History: the rise and fall of the Republic 1 More Information
CL1SO Ancient Song 1 More Information
CL1TR Texts, Readers, and Writers 1 More Information
CL2AE Ancient Epic 2 More Information
CL2AEL Ancient Egyptian Language and Hieroglyphs 2 More Information
CL2APL Academic Work Placement 2 More Information
CL2CGH Greek History: Persian Wars to Alexander 2 More Information
CL2CLE Cleopatras 2 More Information
CL2DR Ancient Drama 2 More Information
CL2EGR Egypt and the Greco-Roman World 2 More Information
CL2EM Early Macedon 2 More Information
CL2G2 Ancient Greek 2 (I) 2 More Information
CL2G3 Ancient Greek 3 (I) 2 More Information
CL2G4 Ancient Greek 4 (H) 2 More Information
CL2GRE Greek Religions 2 More Information
CL2GSC Greek Sculpture 2 More Information
CL2ILA Introduction to Late Antiquity 2 More Information
CL2L2 Latin 2 (I) 2 More Information
CL2L3 Latin 3 (I) 2 More Information
CL2PL Work placement for Classicists and Ancient Historians 2 More Information
CL2PR Prospects for Classicists and Ancient Historians 2 More Information
CL2RME Rome's Mediterranean Empire; A World of Cities 2 More Information
CL2RO Roman History: From Republic to Empire 2 More Information
CL2SA1 Study Abroad Placement in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SA10 Study Abroad module 10 credit 2 More Information
CL2SA20 Study Abroad Placement for Joint Students in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SA30 Study Abroad module 30 credits 2 More Information
CL2SA60 Study Abroad Placement in Classics 2 More Information
CL2SAB20 Study Abroad module 20 credit 2 More Information
CL2SG Sexuality and Gender in the Ancient World 2 More Information
CL2SI My Mother's Sin and other Stories 2 More Information
CL2TA Theoretical Approaches in Classics 2 More Information
CL3AA Anatolia and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age. The Context for the Trojan War 3 More Information
CL3AB Ancient Biography 3 More Information
CL3AEL Ancient Egyptian Language & Hieroglyphs 3 More Information
CL3AP Greek & Roman Painting 3 More Information
CL3BSR British School at Rome Undergraduate Summer School 3 More Information
CL3DN Dissertation in Classics 3 More Information
CL3DP Preparation for Dissertation in Classics 3 More Information
CL3EE Extended Essay for Italian and Classical Studies 3 More Information
CL3EGY History and Culture of New Kingdom Egypt 3 More Information
CL3FCC From Classroom to Courtroom: Mastering the Art of Persuasion in the Ancient World 3 More Information
CL3G3 Ancient Greek 3 3 More Information
CL3G4 Ancient Greek 4 (H) 3 More Information
CL3G5 Ancient Greek 5 (H) 3 More Information
CL3G6 Ancient Greek 6 3 More Information
CL3INP Independent Third Year Project 3 More Information
CL3L2 Latin 2 (I) 3 More Information
CL3L3 Latin 3 (I) 3 More Information
CL3L4 Latin 4 (H) 3 More Information
CL3L5 Latin 5 (H) 3 More Information
CL3L6 Latin 6 3 More Information
CL3LAE Late Antique Egypt 3 More Information
CL3PCA Pioneers of Classical Archaeology 3 More Information
CL3ROM City of Rome 3 More Information
CL3SEN Seneca:The Consul, The Philosopher, The Tragedian 3 More Information
CL3SP Ancient Sparta 3 More Information
CL3TE Technology in the Ancient World 3 More Information
CL3UL Urban Life: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Roman Cities 3 More Information
HS0PE Perspectives in the Humanities 0 More Information
HS1ABR Arriving in Britain: a History of Immigration, 1685-2004 1 More Information
HS1ANS Anti-Semitism: Medieval Christian-Jewish Relations and the Concept of ‘Anti-Semitism’ 1 More Information
HS1BCB Birth Control in modern Britain: an intellectual history 1 More Information
HS1CHI Chivalry: the Emergence and Impact of a Medieval Ethos 1 More Information
HS1DDD Doomsday Dystopias: Nuclear Disaster in the Cold War Imagination 1 More Information
HS1HAF Hunger and Famines in History 1 More Information
HS1JH1 Journeys through History 1:Power and People 1 More Information
HS1JH2 Journeys through History 2: Culture and Concepts' 1 More Information
HS1MEM 'Broken-Hearted': Medicine, Emotion, and the Body in Early Modern England, 1570-1730 1 More Information
HS1MER Merlin the Magician 1 More Information
HS1MMM Monks, Moors and Magic: Patterns of Belief in Medieval Europe 1 More Information
HS1OWI Western Imaginaries of the Middle East 1 More Information
HS1POP2 Black Britain: Race and migration in post-war Britain 1 More Information
HS1RAP Radicalism and Protest in Britain: from the Levellers to Occupy 1 More Information
HS1RCI Revolutions and Coups: Iran and the West in the Twentieth Century 1 More Information
HS1RSO Research Skills and Opportunities in History 1 More Information
HS1RUS Rape in the United States: from Colonisation to Civil Rights 1 More Information
HS1RVC Revolutionary Cities 1 More Information
HS1TRG The Rwanda Genocide of 1994 1 More Information
HS1TTA The Times They Are A-Changin’ – Protest, Reform and the Government Response in 1960s America 1 More Information
HS1WAH Women in American History: From Slavery to 'Second Wave' 1 More Information
HS1WAR Warfare in Early Modern Europe 1 More Information
HS1WWH War, White Heat, and the Winds of Change: Britain's Twentieth Century 1 More Information
HS2GPP Going Public: Presenting the Past, Planning the Future 2 More Information
HS2HAD Historical Approaches and My Dissertation 2 More Information
HS2IHE Independent Historical Essay 2 More Information
HS2INT Intellectuals and Society in Twentieth Century Italy 2 More Information
HS2LHE Longer Historical Essay 2 More Information
HS2MC2 My Career: Wider Horizons 2 More Information
HS2O10 The Colonial Experience: Africa, 1879 to 1980 2 More Information
HS2O11 Hollywood Histories: Film and the Past 2 More Information
HS2O12 Belief and Unbelief in Europe: Religion, Science and the Supernatural c.1400-1800 2 More Information
HS2O13 The Crusades, 1095-1291 2 More Information
HS2O14 Rebel Girls: The Influence of Radical Women 1792-1919 2 More Information
HS2O16 ‘The brightest jewel in the British crown’: The Making of Modern South Asia, 1757-1947 2 More Information
HS2O17 Reform and Revolt in the Modern Middle East: Egypt from Ataturk to the ‘Arab Spring’ 2 More Information
HS2O18 Pirates of the Caribbean: Empire, Slavery, and Society, 1550-1750 2 More Information
HS2O19 Europe in the Twentieth Century 2 More Information
HS2O20 Sexual politics: Gender, sex, and feminism in Britain after 1918 2 More Information
HS2O3 People, power and revolution: political culture in seventeenth-century England 2 More Information
HS2O4 Women and Medieval History 2 More Information
HS2O52 Family and Power in Medieval France 2 More Information
HS2O53 The American Civil War 2 More Information
HS2O55 American Century: United States history since 1898 2 More Information
HS2O56 Medieval Medicine 2 More Information
HS2O7 Kingship and Crisis in England, c.1154–1330 2 More Information
HS2SA1A Study Abroad 1A 2 More Information
HS2SA1B Study Abroad 1B 2 More Information
HS2SA1C Study Abroad 1C 2 More Information
HS2SA1D Study Abroad 1D 2 More Information
HS2SA1E Study Abroad 1E 2 More Information
HS2SA1F Study Abroad 1F 2 More Information
HS2SA2A Study Abroad 2A 2 More Information
HS2SA2B Study Abroad 2B 2 More Information
HS2SA2C Study Abroad 2C 2 More Information
HS2SA30 Study Abroad credits 2 More Information
HS2SA3A Study Abroad 3A 2 More Information
HS2SA3B Study Abroad 3B 2 More Information
HS2SA3C Study Abroad 3C 2 More Information
HS2SA3D Study Abroad 3D 2 More Information
HS2SA4A Study Abroad 4A 2 More Information
HS2SA4B Study Abroad 4B 2 More Information
HS2SA4C Study Abroad 4C 2 More Information
HS2SA4D Study Abroad 4D 2 More Information
HS2SA4E Study Abroad 4E 2 More Information
HS2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
HS2STA Society, Thought and Art in Modern Europe 2 More Information
HS2UNR Unity, Nationalism and Regionalism in Europe 2 More Information
HS2WEY Work Experience Year 2 More Information
HS3CCO Crisis, Change, Opportunity: Italy from 1968 to the Present 3 More Information
HS3DAC Discovering Archives and Collections 3 More Information
HS3HED History Education 3 More Information
HS3HLD Dissertation in History 3 More Information
HS3M68 May '68 3 More Information
HS3SAU Anarchy in the UK: Punk, Politics and Youth Culture in Britain, 1976-84 3 More Information
HS3SBR Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794 3 More Information
HS3SGA Gender in Africa 3 More Information
HS3SHH Health, Healthcare and Healing in the Middle Ages 3 More Information
HS3SHP Heretics and Popes: Heresy and Persecution in the Medieval World 3 More Information
HS3SLM Landscapes of the Mind: Romanticism and the Rural Idyll, c.1750-1939 3 More Information
HS3SLS The Last Super Power and the New World Power: the United States and China, 1882-1989 3 More Information
HS3SSA Slavery in America 3 More Information
HS3SSC Sea Changes: Britain and the Maritime World, 1500-1800 3 More Information
HS3T25 Medieval Magic and the Origins of the Witch-Craze 3 More Information
HS3T30 Ireland and the English in the middle ages 3 More Information
HS3T69 ‘Race’, Ethnicity and citizenship in America 3 More Information
HS3T75 The United States and the Cold War 3 More Information
HS3T77 Battleaxes and Benchwarmers’: Early female MPs 1919-1931 3 More Information
HS3T82 Axis at War: Life and Death in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, 1936-45 3 More Information
HS3T83 Modern Science and the Imperial World, 1750-2000 3 More Information
HS3T84 Ireland in the seventeenth century: colonization, conflict and identity 3 More Information
HS3T85 The Making of the French Revolution 3 More Information
HS3T87 Degrading a Free Society: The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover 1908 - 1976 3 More Information
HS3T88 The Romantic Revolution: Culture, Environment and Society in England, c.1790-c.1900 3 More Information
HS3T89 Africa from European Settlement to Nelson Mandela 3 More Information
HS3T90 Poor Law to Hostile Environment: Repatriation, Deportation and Exclusion from Britain 1800-2016 3 More Information
HS3T91 Politics and Popular Culture: Post-Arab Spring Egypt 3 More Information
HS3T92 Policing the United States 3 More Information
HS3T98 From Darwin to Death Camps? Evolution and eugenics in European society, 1859-1945 3 More Information
PP1EL Elementary Logic 1 More Information
PP1GJ Global Justice 1 More Information
PP1ML The Meaning of Life 1 More Information
PP1MM Mental Machines 1 More Information
PP1RA Reason and Argument 1 More Information
PP1RG The Right and the Good 1 More Information
PP1RP Radical Philosophy 1 More Information
PP1WRI Writing the Philosophical Essay 1 More Information
PP2EA1 Ethical Argument 1: Philosophy and How to Live 2 More Information
PP2EA2 Ethical Argument 2: Philosophy and How to Live 2 More Information
PP2GP1 Global Philosophy 1 2 More Information
PP2GP2 Global Philosophy 2 2 More Information
PP2HKW1 Hume, Kant, and Wittgenstein 1 2 More Information
PP2HKW2 Hume, Kant, and Wittgenstein 2 2 More Information
PP2IDR1 Ignorance, Doubt, and Relativism 1 2 More Information
PP2IDR2 Ignorance, Doubt, and Relativism 2 2 More Information
PP2MM1 Meaning and the Mind 1 2 More Information
PP2MM2 Meaning and the Mind 2 2 More Information
PP2OID1 Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy 1 2 More Information
PP2OID2 Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy 2 2 More Information
PP2SA1 Study Abroad 1 2 More Information
PP2SA2 Study Abroad 2 2 More Information
PP2SA3 Study Abroad 3 2 More Information
PP2SA4 Study Abroad 4 2 More Information
PP2SA5 Study Abroad 5 2 More Information
PP2SA6 Study Abroad 6 2 More Information
PP2SA7 Study Abroad 7 2 More Information
PP2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
PP3AF Are we free? 3 More Information
PP3BESR Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 More Information
PP3CP Chinese Philosophy 3 More Information
PP3DIS Dissertation in Philosophy 3 More Information
PP3FAI Fairness 3 More Information
PP3HGML Happy, Good and Meaningful Lives 3 More Information
PP3ILM Independent Learning / Extended Essay 3 More Information
PP3LA Philosophy of Law 3 More Information
PP3LAN Philosophy of Language 3 More Information
PP3MED Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Mediaeval Philosophy 3 More Information
PP3MOA The Morality of Abortion 3 More Information
PP3PPY Professional Placement Year 3 More Information
PP3REL Philosophy of Religion 3 More Information
PP3RVK Reason, Value & Knowledge 3 More Information
PP3SA1 Study Abroad 1 3 More Information
PP3SA2 Study Abroad 2 3 More Information
PP3SA3 Study Abroad 3 3 More Information
PP3SCF The Scandal of Film 3 More Information
PP3SPA Speech Attacks: bullshit, lies, propaganda 3 More Information
PP3SSG Society and State in Ancient Greece 3 More Information
PP3TCP Topics in Comparative Philosophy: an International Online Course 3 More Information
PP3WSW Wittgenstein, Science and Worldviews 3 More Information

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