

Arts and Communication Design - Modules for 2021/2

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
FA0AR1 Art 0 More Information
FA1ART Art Studio 1 More Information
FA1DS Drawing skills 1 More Information
FA1ED Expanded Drawing 1 More Information
FA1EN English for Arts and Communication Design 1 More Information
FA1MM Modernisms & Mythologies 1 More Information
FA1MW Visual Thinking and Material Writing 1 More Information
FA1PF Postmodernisms & Other Fictions 1 More Information
FA1SAA Fine Art Studio 1 More Information
FA1WC1 What is the Contemporary? 1 1 More Information
FA1WC2 What is the Contemporary? 2 1 More Information
FA2IMW Visual Thinking and Material Writing 2 More Information
FA2IPA Philosophies and Theories of Art 2 More Information
FA2IS International Study 2 More Information
FA2IS1 Part 2I Studio 2 More Information
FA2IS2 Part 2I Studio 2 More Information
FA2IS3 International Study 2 2 More Information
FA2ISP Independent study with Work Placement 2 More Information
FA2IWC3 What is the Contemporary? 3 2 More Information
FA2IWC4 What is the Contemporary? 4 2 More Information
FA2MW Visual Thinking and Material Writing 2 More Information
FA2PA Philosophies and Theories of Art 2 More Information
FA2S1 Part 2 Studio including Career Management Skills 2 More Information
FA2S2 Part 2 Studio including Career Management Skills 2 More Information
FA2SA Fine Art Studio including CMS 2 More Information
FA2SSA Study Abroad 2 More Information
FA2TEXA Image Action Text 2 More Information
FA2WC1 What is the Contemporary? 1 2 More Information
FA2WC2 What is the Contemporary? 2 2 More Information
FA3DIS Art dissertation 3 More Information
FA3DISB Dissertation 3 More Information
FA3HS1 Part 3H Studio 3 More Information
FA3HS2 Studio (joint honours) 3 More Information
FA3HSB Studio 3 More Information
FA3VCD Art and History of Art Dissertation 3 More Information
FT1ATF Approaches to Film 1 More Information
FT1ATP Analysing Theatre and Performance 1 More Information
FT1ATT Approaches to Television 1 More Information
FT1CSS Comedy on Stage and Screen 1 More Information
FT1DP Devising Performance: Politics and Citizenship 1 More Information
FT1EN English for Arts and Communication Design 1 More Information
FT1ES Exploring the Studio 1 More Information
FT1ITF Introduction to Filmmaking 1 More Information
FT1STP Staging Texts: Playwriting, Design and Performance 1 More Information
FT1TSP TV Studio Production 1 More Information
FT2ACR Academic Research Skills (20 Credits) 2 More Information
FT2CCP Community and Collaborative Practice 2 More Information
FT2CCPSA Community and Collaborative Practice 2 More Information
FT2CSP Creative Screen Practice 2 More Information
FT2CSPSA Creative Screen Practice 2 More Information
FT2EE Extended Essay 2 More Information
FT2EL Exploring Location 2 More Information
FT2FFC Film Forms and Cultures 2 More Information
FT2IPC Identity, Performance and Culture 2 More Information
FT2PE10 Placements and Employment Skills (Ten Credits) 2 More Information
FT2PE20 Placements and Employment Skills (Twenty Credits) 2 More Information
FT2PESA Placements and Employment Skills (10 Credits) 2 More Information
FT2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
FT2PS Performance Skills: Acting and Directing 2 More Information
FT2SA1 Study Abroad 1 2 More Information
FT2SA2 Study Abroad 2 2 More Information
FT2SA3 Study Abroad 3 2 More Information
FT2SA4 Study Abroad 4 2 More Information
FT2SAY Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
FT2SSC Screen Storytelling and Criticism 2 More Information
FT2SSCB Screen Storytelling and Criticism B 2 More Information
FT2TCC Television and Contemporary Culture 2 More Information
FT2WD Wildlife Documentary: Ecology and Representation 2 More Information
FT3AD Adaptations across Stage and Screen 3 More Information
FT3APF Advanced Practical Project: Film/TV 3 More Information
FT3APT Advanced Practical Project: Theatre 3 More Information
FT3CAS Cities on Screen 3 More Information
FT3CD Contemporary Documentary 3 More Information
FT3CST Cinema, Spectacle and Technology 3 More Information
FT3DISS Dissertation: Film & Theatre 3 More Information
FT3EP Ensemble Practice 3 More Information
FT3IAA Identity, Agency, Advocacy: Diversity and Representation in Film, Television and Theatre 3 More Information
FT3JDFA Dissertation (Art and Film & Theatre) 3 More Information
FT3PAR Practice as Research Project 3 More Information
FT3PD Performance & Design: Site, Scenography and Installation 3 More Information
FT3PIA Performance, Intervention and Activism 3 More Information
FT3PL20 Work Placements and Profiles (20 Credits) 3 More Information
FT3THF Three Films 3 More Information
FT3TI Television Industries 3 More Information
FT3VC Videographic Criticism 3 More Information
FT3WCC World Cinema: Creative Peaks 3 More Information
TY1DAT Design across time 1 More Information
TY1DP1 Design Practice 1 1 More Information
TY1EN English for Arts and Communication Design 1 More Information
TY1HG1 History of graphic communication 1 1 More Information
TY1HGC History of Graphic Communication 1 More Information
TY1INT Integrated Design Methods 1 More Information
TY1PRI Printing and printmaking 1 More Information
TY1SK Skills for design practice 1 More Information
TY1WTF What the font? Making and using typefaces 1 More Information
TY1WTF10 What the font? Making and using typefaces (10 credits) 1 More Information
TY2DP2 Design practice 2 2 More Information
TY2DP2S Design practice 2 study abroad 2 More Information
TY2DT Design thinking 2 More Information
TY2DTS Design thinking 2 More Information
TY2ED Introduction to editorial design 2 More Information
TY2IAS Integrated design methods 2A 2 More Information
TY2IBS Integrated design methods 2B 2 More Information
TY2PPY Typography Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
TY2PRP Professional Practice 1 2 More Information
TY2SA Study Abroad 2 More Information
TY2UD User-centred design 2 More Information
TY2VI Visualising Information 2 More Information
TY3BP Branding Project 3 More Information
TY3DFC Design for change 3 More Information
TY3DP3 Design Practice 3 3 More Information
TY3DS Dissertation 3 More Information
TY3ED Advanced editorial design 3 More Information
TY3INF Information Design 3 More Information
TY3LET Letterpress 3 More Information
TY3PD Packaging Design 3 More Information
TY3PRP Professional Practice 2 3 More Information
TY3SK Skills for design practice 3 More Information
TY3TYP Typeforms 3 More Information
TY3WI Word and image 3 More Information
TY3WI Word and image 3 More Information

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