

Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences - Modules for 2021/2

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
CS1AC16 Applications of Computer Science 1 More Information
CS1AC16NU Applications of Computer Science 1 More Information
CS1FC16 Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 More Information
CS1FC16NU Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 More Information
CS1MA20 Mathematics and Computation 1 More Information
CS1MA20NU Mathematics and Computation 1 More Information
CS1PC20 Programming in C/C;; 1 More Information
CS1PC20NU Programming in C/C;; 1 More Information
CS1SE20 Software Engineering: Fundamentals and Professional Development 1 More Information
CS1SE20NU Software Engineering: Fundamentals and Professional Development 1 More Information
CS2AO17 Algorithms and Operating Systems 2 More Information
CS2AY20 Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
CS2CA17 Computer Architecture and Networking 2 More Information
CS2CO16 Compilers 2 More Information
CS2DI17 Databases and Information Security 2 More Information
CS2HW19 HCI and Web Applications 2 More Information
CS2IY16 Industrial Year 2 More Information
CS2PJ20 Programming in Java 2 More Information
CS2QT19 Software Engineering: Quality and Testing 2 More Information
CS2SA16 Service-Oriented System Applications 2 More Information
CS2SS20 Software System Design with UML 2 More Information
CS3AI18 Artificial Intelligence 3 More Information
CS3BC20 Blockchain Computing 3 More Information
CS3DP19 Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 3 More Information
CS3DS19 Data Science Algorithms and Tools 3 More Information
CS3DV20 Data Integration and Visualisation 3 More Information
CS3IA16 Image Analysis 3 More Information
CS3IP16 Individual Project 3 More Information
CS3PP19 Programming in Python for Data Science 3 More Information
CS3SC17 Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing 3 More Information
CS3TM20 Text Mining and Natural Language Processing 3 More Information
CS3VI18 Visual Intelligence 3 More Information
CS3VR16 Virtual Reality 3 More Information
MA0FMNU Foundations of Mathematics 0 More Information
MA0FMP Further Mathematics and Physics 0 More Information
MA0MANU Mathematical Analysis 0 More Information
MA1CA Calculus 1 More Information
MA1CANU Calculus 1 More Information
MA1DE1NU Differential Equations I 1 More Information
MA1FM Foundations of Mathematics 1 More Information
MA1LA Linear Algebra 1 More Information
MA1LANU Linear Algebra 1 More Information
MA1MPRNU Mathematical Programming 1 More Information
MA1MSP Mathematical and Statistical Programming 1 More Information
MA1RA1 Real Analysis I 1 More Information
MA1RA1NU Real Analysis 1 1 More Information
MA1RA2NU Real Analysis II 1 More Information
MA2ALA Algebra 2 More Information
MA2ALANU Algebra 2 More Information
MA2ASVNU Analysis in Several Variables 2 More Information
MA2CA1 Complex Analysis I 2 More Information
MA2CANU Complex Analysis 2 More Information
MA2DE Differential Equations 2 More Information
MA2DE2NU Differentiable Equations II 2 More Information
MA2DENU Differential Equations 2 More Information
MA2MOD Mathematical Modelling 2 More Information
MA2MODNU Mathematical Modelling 2 More Information
MA2MPH Mathematical Physics 2 More Information
MA2MPHNU Mathematical Physics 2 More Information
MA2MPR Mathematical Programming 2 More Information
MA2NAN Numerical Analysis 2 More Information
MA2NANNU Numerical Analysis 2 More Information
MA2PSM Professional Skills for Mathematicians 2 More Information
MA2PSMNU Professional Skills for Mathematicians 2 More Information
MA2PT1 Probability Theory I 2 More Information
MA2PT1NU Probability Theory 2 More Information
MA2PY Industrial Placement Year 2 More Information
MA2RA1 Real Analysis I 2 More Information
MA2RA2 Real Analysis II 2 More Information
MA2SA Study Abroad Year 2 More Information
MA2SPL Summer Placement 2 More Information
MA2VC Vector Calculus 2 More Information
MA2VCNU Vector Calculus 2 More Information
MA3AM Asymptotic Methods 3 More Information
MA3AMNU Asymptotic Methods 3 More Information
MA3AST Applied Stochastic Processes 3 More Information
MA3ASTNU Applied Stochastic Processes 3 More Information
MA3CA2 Complex Analysis II 3 More Information
MA3CA2NU Complex Analysis II 3 More Information
MA3CEC Cryptography and Error Correcting Codes 3 More Information
MA3CV Calculus of Variations 3 More Information
MA3CVNU Calculus of Variations 3 More Information
MA3DS Dynamical Systems 3 More Information
MA3DSNU Dynamical Systems 3 More Information
MA3FM Fluid Mechanics 3 More Information
MA3FMNU Fluid Mechanics 3 More Information
MA3GAL Galois Theory 3 More Information
MA3MB Mathematical Biology 3 More Information
MA3MTI Measure Theory and Integration 3 More Information
MA3MTINU Measure Theory and Integration 3 More Information
MA3NAT Numerical Analysis II 3 More Information
MA3NATNU Numerical Analysis II 3 More Information
MA3OT Operator Theory 3 More Information
MA3PAL Peer Assisted Learning 3 More Information
MA3PD2 Partial Differential Equations II 3 More Information
MA3PD2NU Partial Differential Equations II 3 More Information
MA3PRO Part 3 Project 3 More Information
MA3PRONU Part 3 Project 3 More Information
MA3SMA Statistical Mechanics and Applications 3 More Information
MA3SPL Summer Placement 3 More Information
MA3XJ Integral Equations 3 More Information
MA3XJNU Integral Equations 3 More Information
MA3Z7 Number Theory 3 More Information
MA3Z7NU Number Theory 3 More Information
MA4AM Asymptotic Methods 4 More Information
MA4AST Applied Stochastic Processes 4 More Information
MA4CA2 Complex Analysis II 4 More Information
MA4CEC Cryptography and Error Correcting Codes 4 More Information
MA4CV Calculus of Variations 4 More Information
MA4DS Dynamical Systems 4 More Information
MA4FM Fluid Mechanics 4 More Information
MA4GAL Galois Theory 4 More Information
MA4MB Mathematical Biology 4 More Information
MA4MTI Measure Theory and Integration 4 More Information
MA4NAT Numerical Analysis II 4 More Information
MA4PD2 Partial Differential Equations II 4 More Information
MA4SMA Statistical Mechanics and Applications 4 More Information
MA4SP Stochastic Processes 4 More Information
MA4XA Fourth Year Project 4 More Information
MA4XJ Integral Equations 4 More Information
MA4Z7 Number Theory 4 More Information
MT11C Introduction to Meteorology 1 More Information
MT11CNU Introduction to Meteorology 1 More Information
MT11D Weather and Climate Fundamentals 1 More Information
MT11DNU Weather and Climate Fundamentals 1 More Information
MT12C Skills for Environmental Science 1 More Information
MT12CNU Skills for Environmental Science 1 More Information
MT1CC The Science of Climate Change 1 More Information
MT24A Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics 2 More Information
MT24ANU Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics 2 More Information
MT24B Atmospheric Physics 2 More Information
MT24BNU Atmospheric Physics 2 More Information
MT24C Numerical Methods for Environmental Science 2 More Information
MT24CNU Numerical Methods for Environmental Science 2 More Information
MT24E Forecasting: practice and presentation 2 More Information
MT24ENU Weather Forecasting 2 More Information
MT25F Atmospheric Analogues 2 More Information
MT25FNU Atmospheric Analogues 2 More Information
MT25G Climate Change 2 More Information
MT25GNU Climate Change 2 More Information
MT26E Surface Energy Exchange 2 More Information
MT26ENU Surface Energy Exchange 2 More Information
MT2ACT Atmospheric Chemistry and Transport 2 More Information
MT2CC The Science of Climate Change 2 More Information
MT2IEM Instrumentation for Environmental Measurements 2 More Information
MT2SWC Statistics for Weather and Climate Science 2 More Information
MT2SWCNU Statistics for Weather and Climate 2 More Information
MT37A Part 3 Project 3 More Information
MT37ANU Part 3 Project (Nanjing) 3 More Information
MT37B General Studies 3 More Information
MT37BNU General Studies (Nanjing) 3 More Information
MT37D Remote Sensing Methods and Applications 3 More Information
MT37DNU Remote sensing methods and applications 3 More Information
MT37E Dynamics of Weather Systems 3 More Information
MT37ENU Dynamics of Weather Systems 3 More Information
MT37F Oceanography 3 More Information
MT37FNU Oceanography 3 More Information
MT37H Atmospheric Science Field Course 3 More Information
MT37L Boundary Layer Meteorology 3 More Information
MT37LNU Boundary Layer Meteorology 3 More Information
MT37P Micrometeorology 3 More Information
MT37PNU Micrometeorology 3 More Information
MT38A The Global Circulation 3 More Information
MT38ANU Global Circulation 3 More Information
MT38B Climate Change 3 More Information
MT38BNU Climate Change 3 More Information
MT38C Numerical Weather Prediction 3 More Information
MT38CNU Numerical Weather Prediction 3 More Information
MT38N Atmospheric Electricity 3 More Information
MT39Z Undergraduate Short Project 3 More Information
MT3AS Atmospheric Spectroscopy 3 More Information
MT3SW Space Weather 3 More Information
MT3SWNU Space Weather 3 More Information
MT4SW Space Weather 4 More Information
MT4XB General Studies 4 More Information
MT4XD Remote Sensing Methods and Applications 4 More Information
MT4XF Oceanography 4 More Information
MT4YB Climate Change 4 More Information
MT4YD Tropical Weather Systems 4 More Information
MT4YF Numerical Modelling of Atmosphere and Oceans 4 More Information
MT4YG Extratropical Weather Systems 4 More Information
PH101 Physics of the Natural World 1 More Information
PH103 Global Environmental Chemistry 1 More Information
ST1PS Probability and Statistics 1 More Information
ST1PSNU Probability and Statistics 1 More Information
ST2LM Linear Models 2 More Information
ST2LMD Linear Models and Data Analysis 2 More Information
ST2PST Probability and Statistical Theory 2 More Information
ST3GLM Generalised Linear Models 3 More Information
ST3MSD Modelling Structured Data 3 More Information
ST3MVA Multivariate Data Analysis 3 More Information
ST3PR Statistics Project 3 More Information
ST3SML Statistical Data Science and Machine Learning 3 More Information
ST4MSD Modelling Structured Data. 4 More Information
ST4SML Statistical Data Science and Machine Learning 4 More Information

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