

Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences - Modules for 2020/1

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
PL1CLIN1 Clinical Studies 1 1 More Information
PL1LB Language in the Brain 1 More Information
PL1LING1 Introduction to Linguistics 1 More Information
PL1MED1 Medicine Module 1 1 More Information
PL1PHON1 Phonetics and Phonology 1 1 More Information
PL1PSYCH Psychology for Speech and Language Therapy 1 More Information
PL1SLCD1 Speech Language and Communication Disorders 1 1 More Information
PL2CLIN2 Clinical Studies 2 2 More Information
PL2CSLP Careers in Speech and Language Therapy and Psychology 2 More Information
PL2GM2L Grammar and Meaning 2 2 More Information
PL2LING2 Linguistics 2 2 More Information
PL2PHON2 Phonetics and Phonology 2 2 More Information
PL2SLCD2 Speech Language and Communication Disorders 2 2 More Information
PL3CLIN3 Clinical Studies 3 3 More Information
PL3DOF Disorders of Fluency 3 More Information
PL3LPR Language Processing 3 More Information
PL3MED2 Medicine 2 3 More Information
PL3NL Neuroscience of Language 3 More Information
PL3PD Advanced Professional Development 3 More Information
PL3RES Research Methods 3 More Information
PL3SLCD3 Speech Language and Communication Disorders 3 3 More Information
PL4CLIN4 Clinical Studies 4 4 More Information
PL4DS Disorders of Eating Drinking and Swallowing 4 More Information
PL4LDG Language and Communication in Genetic Disorders 4 More Information
PLM4P Dissertation M More Information
PLMAPD Advanced Professional Development M More Information
PLMCI2R Communication Impairment 2 M More Information
PLMCI3R Communication Impairment 3 M More Information
PLMCLA Child Language Acquisition M More Information
PLMCP1 Clinical Practice 1 M More Information
PLMDS Oropharyngeal Dysphagia M More Information
PLMFG Foundations of Grammar M More Information
PLMISLR Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology M More Information
PLMLDG Language in Genetic Disorders (M Level) M More Information
PLMLPSLT Language Processing for Speech and Language Therapy M More Information
PLMM1 Medicine 1 M More Information
PLMML Multilingualism and Impairment Across the Lifespan M More Information
PLMPDR Advanced Professional Development M More Information
PLMPP Phonetics and Phonology M More Information
PLMPPR Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology M More Information
PLMRDN Research and Dissertation M More Information
PY0FIR Foundation Introduction to Psychological Research 0 More Information
PY0FTP Foundation Topics in Psychology 0 More Information
PY1APP Applied and Professional Psychology 1 More Information
PY1DMH Debates in Mental Health 1 More Information
PY1INM Introduction to Neuroscience Methods 1 More Information
PY1IPR Introduction to Psychological Research 1 More Information
PY1IPY Introduction to Psychology 1 More Information
PY1LAL Learning about Learning 1 More Information
PY1PAB The Person and the Brain 1 More Information
PY1PIW Psychology in the Workplace 1 More Information
PY2CN Cognition 2 More Information
PY2CN1 Cognition 1 2 More Information
PY2CN2 Cognition 2 2 More Information
PY2CNS Cognition and Neuroscience 2 More Information
PY2CNSA Cognition and Neuroscience for students studying abroad 2 More Information
PY2CP Careers in Psychology 2 More Information
PY2CPA Careers for Psychology for students studying abroad 2 More Information
PY2DSP Developmental and Social Psychology 2 More Information
PY2DSPA Developmental and Social Psychology for students studying abroad 2 More Information
PY2PNS Perception and Neuroscience 2 More Information
PY2PNS1 Perception and Neuroscience 1 2 More Information
PY2PNS2 Perception and Neuroscience 2 2 More Information
PY2RM Research Methods 2 More Information
PY2RMS Research Methods for Visiting Students 2 More Information
PY2SA40 Study Abroad 2 More Information
PY2SA50 Study Abroad 2 More Information
PY2SD Social and Differential Psychology 2 More Information
PY2SD1 Social and Differential Psychology 1 2 More Information
PY2SD2 Social and Differential Psychology 2 2 More Information
PY2TA Typical and Atypical Development 2 More Information
PY2TA1 Typical and Atypical Development 1 2 More Information
PY2TA2 Typical and Atypical Development 2 2 More Information
PY30PL Placement (P3) 3 More Information
PY3ACT Adaptive Control of Thought 3 More Information
PY3AOB Attachment and Offending Behaviour 3 More Information
PY3ASC Autism Spectrum Conditions 3 More Information
PY3AV Active Vision 3 More Information
PY3BAS Basic Skills 3 More Information
PY3BE Behavioural Economics 3 More Information
PY3C Contemporary Issues 3 More Information
PY3CHI Contemporary and Historical Issues 3 More Information
PY3CMC Computational Models and Methods in Psychology 3 More Information
PY3CNWM Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Working Memory 3 More Information
PY3COR Core skills for working with children and young people with mental health problems 3 More Information
PY3COU Counselling: Theory and Practice 3 More Information
PY3DMC Dietary and Metabolic influences on cognition 3 More Information
PY3DN Developmental Neuroscience 3 More Information
PY3DPA The Developmental Psychopathology of Anxiety 3 More Information
PY3EAA Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems 3 More Information
PY3EAA1 Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems 3 More Information
PY3EAAA Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems 3 More Information
PY3EAAB Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems 3 More Information
PY3EAC Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People 3 More Information
PY3EAC1 Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People 3 More Information
PY3EAS Engagement and assessment skills for working with children and young people with common mental health 3 More Information
PY3EBI Evidenced-based interventions for children and young people with common mental health problems 3 More Information
PY3FAP Face Processing 3 More Information
PY3FIP Family influences on Psychopathology: Research and Therapeutic Perspectives 3 More Information
PY3FOR Forensic Psychology 3 More Information
PY3FPC Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People 3 More Information
PY3FPC1 Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People 3 More Information
PY3FPT Forensic Psychology: Theory and Practice 3 More Information
PY3HAC Health and Cognition 3 More Information
PY3HP Health Psychology 3 More Information
PY3IES Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY3IES1 Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY3LDM Brain Mechanisms of Learning and Decision Making 3 More Information
PY3LIC Brief Evidence-Based Interventions for Children and Young People with Common Mental Health Problems 3 More Information
PY3LIC1 Evidence-Based Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People 3 More Information
PY3MPO Motivation and Performance in Organisations 3 More Information
PY3MS Memory and the Self: Past, Present and Future 3 More Information
PY3NUT Nutritional Psychology 3 More Information
PY3PAC Psychology and Culture 3 More Information
PY3PAR Parent training for Conduct Problems 3 More Information
PY3PES Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY3PES1 Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY3PIT Practicum / Industrial Training 3 More Information
PY3PPP Project for Psychology & Philosophy Students 3 More Information
PY3RCD Reward Dysfunction in Clinical Disorders 3 More Information
PY3SA5 Study Abroad 3 More Information
PY3SC Social Cognition 3 More Information
PY3SND Sensory Perception in Neurodevelopment Disorders 3 More Information
PY3TAR Typical and Atypical Reading 3 More Information
PY3TDV Three-Dimensional Vision 3 More Information
PY3TRT1 Evidence-based low-intensity treatment of common mental health problems 3 More Information
PY3TRTA Evidence-based low-intensity treatment of common mental health problems 3 More Information
PY3TRTB Evidence-based low-intensity treatment of common mental health problems 3 More Information
PY3TSP Topics in Social Psychology 3 More Information
PY3VEC Values, Employment and Context 3 More Information
PY3VEC1 Values, Employment and Context 3 More Information
PY3VECA Values, Employment and Context 3 More Information
PY3VECB Values, Employment and Context 3 More Information
PY3VIP Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychophysics, and Psychology 3 More Information
PY3VPM Visual perception - more than meets the eye? 3 More Information
PY3WES Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY3WES1 Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings 3 More Information
PY4C Contemporary Issues 4 More Information
PY4CHI Contemporary and Historical Issues in Psychology 4 More Information
PY4PR Empirical Project 4 More Information
PYM0CP Methods in Clinical Psychology M More Information
PYM0DP Methods in Developmental Psychology M More Information
PYM0FM fMRI Data Analysis M More Information
PYM0NS Methods in Neuroscience M More Information
PYM0PL Placement M More Information
PYM0PL2 Placement M More Information
PYM0PP Project Preparation M More Information
PYM0S1 Data Collection & Analysis 1 M More Information
PYM0S2 Data Collection & Analysis 2 M More Information
PYM3P1 Development of Psychopathology M More Information
PYM4PT Psychological treatments M More Information
PYMANX Theory and Practice for Anxiety Disorders M More Information
PYMAWT Advanced Skills for Working with Trauma M More Information
PYMBAS Basic Skills M More Information
PYMBE Behavioural Economics M More Information
PYMBWT Basic Skills for Working with Trauma M More Information
PYMCAN Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience M More Information
PYMCCN Cognition (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCEP Empirical Project (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCOR Core skills for working with children and young people with mental health problems M More Information
PYMCPL Psychology Labe Placement (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCPNS Perception and Neuroscience (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCRM Research Methods and Data Analysis (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCSD Social and Differential Psychology (Conversion) M More Information
PYMCT2 Focused Clinical Training And Supervision: Complex Problems And Dissemination M More Information
PYMDEP Theory and Practice for Depression M More Information
PYMEAAA Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems M More Information
PYMEAC Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People M More Information
PYMEAC1 Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People M More Information
PYMEAS Engagement and assessment skills for working with children and young people with common mental health M More Information
PYMEBI Evidence-based interventions for children and young peole with common mental health problems M More Information
PYMFCP Clinical Placement M More Information
PYMFCR Clinical Research Methods M More Information
PYMFEB Evidence-Based Treatments Across the Lifespan M More Information
PYMFIT Introduction to CBT M More Information
PYMFPC Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People M More Information
PYMFPC1 Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People M More Information
PYMFRP Research Placement M More Information
PYMFSR Systematic Review M More Information
PYMFUN Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Treatments (CBT) M More Information
PYMHM Human Motivation M More Information
PYMIES Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings M More Information
PYMIES1 Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings M More Information
PYMIN1 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment M More Information
PYMIN3 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment (APEL M More Information
PYMITC Introduction to CBT M More Information
PYMLEP Leadership Training Practice for Children and Young People's IAPT M More Information
PYMLIC Evidence-Based Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People presenting with Common Ment M More Information
PYMLIC1 Evidence-Based Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People M More Information
PYMMCN Methods in Cognition and Neuroscience M More Information
PYMPBC Programming for Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences M More Information
PYMPBC1 Programming for Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences M More Information
PYMPES Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings M More Information
PYMPES1 Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings M More Information
PYMPRN Principles of Neurobiology M More Information
PYMPS2 Personality & Social Psychology 2 (M Level) M More Information
PYMSUC Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT M More Information
PYMSUC0 Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT M More Information
PYMSUC1 Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT M More Information
PYMSUS Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT II M More Information
PYMSUS0 Psychology; School of Psych and Clin Lang Sci M More Information
PYMTA1 Typical and Atypical Development 1 (M Level) M More Information
PYMTA2 Typical and Atypical Development 2 (M Level) M More Information
PYMTHD Therapy for Childhood Depression M More Information
PYMTM1 Treatments and Models 1 M More Information
PYMTM2 Treatments and Models 2 M More Information
PYMTM3 Treatments and Models 3 M More Information
PYMVEC Values, Employment and Context M More Information
PYMVECA Values,Employment and Context M More Information
PYMVECB Values,Employment and Context M More Information
PYMWES Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings M More Information
PYMWES1 Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings M More Information

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