

Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science - Modules for 2019/0

Module Code Module Title Level Further Information
AR1EMP Early Empires: Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome 1 More Information
AR1FOR Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of Death 1 More Information
AR1FOR10 Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of Death [10 credit] 1 More Information
AR1MET Archaeology today: methods and practice 1 More Information
AR1REV Revolutions in Human Behaviour: 4 Million Years BC to the Present 1 More Information
AR1REV10 Revolutions in Human Behaviour: 4 Million Years BC to the Present [10 credits] 1 More Information
AR1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology 1 More Information
AR2F12 Archaeology Fieldschool Single Honours 2 More Information
AR2F13 Archaeology Fieldschool Joint Honours 2 More Information
AR2F14 Artefacts in Archaeology 2 More Information
AR2F20 Professional Practice 2 More Information
AR2L1 Study Abroad 2 More Information
AR2L2 Study Abroad 2 More Information
AR2M8 Medieval Europe: power, religion and death 2 More Information
AR2R8 Rome's Mediterranean Empire 2 More Information
AR2SBI Bioarchaeology 2 More Information
AR3D1 Dissertation 3 More Information
AR3M7 The Archaeology of Crusading 3 More Information
AR3P1 The Neanderthals 3 More Information
AR3P13 Emergence of Civilisation in Mesopotamia 3 More Information
AR3R9 Archaeology of the City of Rome 3 More Information
AR3S21 Biological anthropology 3 More Information
AR3S9 Coastal and Maritime Archaeology 3 More Information
AR3V1 Vikings in the West 3 More Information
ARMAHR Analysis of Human Remains M More Information
ARMAMA Applications of Micromorphological Analysis M More Information
ARMDISSI Dissertation M More Information
ARMEPP In at the Deep End: Professional Practice M More Information
ARMHCP Contemporary Issues and Debates In Heritage and Cultural Property (Ma) M More Information
ARMICMB Coastal and Maritime Geoarchaeology: Introduction M More Information
ARMIDS Issues and Debates M More Information
ARMINT International Study (Erasmus) M More Information
ARMM02 Viking Interactions in the West M More Information
ARMMSA Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy M More Information
ARMNEA Our closest cousins? The Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology of the Neanderthals M More Information
ARMPAC Palaeopathology in Adults and Children M More Information
ARMR3D Archaeological Graphics M More Information
ARMRPP Research Project M More Information
ARMSAS Statistical Approaches: Making sense of your data M More Information
ARMSTD Science and the Dead M More Information
ARMTTA Theoretical Approaches in Archaeology M More Information
GV1A3 Chemistry of the Earth and Environment 1 More Information
GV1BGE Biogeography and Ecology 1 More Information
GV1CIG Contemporary Issues in Human Geography 1 More Information
GV1DE Our Dynamic Earth 1 More Information
GV1HGT Theories and Debates in Human Geography 1 More Information
GV1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology 1 More Information
GV2ASD Analysing Social Data 2 More Information
GV2CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Consultancy 2 More Information
GV2ECH Environmental Chemistry 2 More Information
GV2ER Energy Resources 2 More Information
GV2FCB Geography & Environmental Science Field Class 4. 2 More Information
GV2FCC Geography & Environmental Science Field Class 2. 2 More Information
GV2GIS Geographical Information Systems 2 More Information
GV2GRE Geological Resources 2 More Information
GV2HAZ Natural Hazards 2 More Information
GV2HY Hydrological Processes 2 More Information
GV2MES Monitoring the Earth from Space 2 More Information
GV2MPL Summer Micro-Placement 2 More Information
GV2PLA Summer Placement 2 More Information
GV2POP Population Geography 2 More Information
GV2PPY Professional Placement Year 2 More Information
GV2QEC Late Quaternary Environmental Change and Human Activities 2 More Information
GV2RTS Research Training for Geography and Environmental Science. 2 More Information
GV3AP10 Air Pollution: Effects and Control - NUIST 3 More Information
GV3CC10 Climate Change - NUIST 3 More Information
GV3CJS Climate Policy, Justice and Society 3 More Information
GV3DLA Drugs, Development and Democracy in Latin America 3 More Information
GV3DPE Dissertation (Year of Professional Expereince Students) 3 More Information
GV3DSA Dissertation (Study Abroad Students) 3 More Information
GV3ENT Geographies of Enthusiasm 3 More Information
GV3ER1 ERASMUS Exchange Programme 3 More Information
GV3ER2 ERASMUS Exchange Programme 3 More Information
GV3ER3 ERASMUS Exchange Programme 3 More Information
GV3ER4 ERASMUS Exchange Programme 3 More Information
GV3ESM Ecosystems Modelling 3 More Information
GV3EVP Environmental Pollution. 3 More Information
GV3GED Geography & Environmental Science Dissertation 3 More Information
GV3GEP Geography & Environmental Science Literature Project. 3 More Information
GV3NUI China Environmental Analysis Fieldclass 3 More Information
GV3PFF Preparing For Floods 3 More Information
GV3PS Research Skills and Project Management 3 More Information
GV3RIP Geographies of Death 3 More Information
GV3WAT Water Politics 3 More Information
GVMCC Climate Change M More Information
GVMENVC Environmental Consultancy M More Information
GVMEPM Environmental and Pollution Microbiology M More Information
GVMPFF Preparing For Floods M More Information
GVMRP Research Project M More Information
GVMSIL Skills for Independent Learning M More Information
GVMTPC Tropical Forests, Climate and Land Use Through Time M More Information
GVMUAQ Urban Air Quality M More Information
GVMWENM Waste and Environmental Management M More Information

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