ࡱ> lnkq` bjbjqPqP 2Z:: gB<<<<$$$8$40%C&&&&&&&&000nCpCpCpCpCpCpC$DhCGC2.022C<<&&&&C6662v<&&&&nC62nC66F>v?&&& [$S3v>@C0C?G3G0?G?01661,1000CC6000C2222$$<<<<<< laser activity RISK ASSESSMENT FORM (ra2L) This form must be completed in respect of each registered laser used on University premises. School / Dept / Unit  A: Laser associated hazards and existing controls1. Give brief details of the laser to be used, and its location. Refer to University Laser Number (ULN) where this has already been issued. If this form is used to record a review of a previous assessment, you may refer to that assessment and just note changes. 2. Give a brief summary of the work activity. State whether open beam work is proposed.2. List significant hazards Take into account laser class; beam position in relation to doors & windows; use of optical devices within the beam; beam stops; non-beam hazards such as high voltage, toxic materials, etc Do not forget hazards which may be exacerbated by poor visibility as a consequence of working in a darkened room e.g., trip hazards.3. Relevant University or local guidelines or standards If Local Rules used, please attach a copy to this form. Tick appropriate box(es) for safety guidelines etc. used :  University Safety Guide 21 (Lasers)  British Standard Published Document PD IEC TR 60825-14:2004 The safety of laser products  Local Rules - Location of Local Rules  4. List who might be exposed to the hazards (e.g. staff, students, visitors, consider numbers at risk) Use separate entries for normal operation and operation during beam adjustment or laser servicing, etc. 5. How might they be harmed? (type(s) of injury or health problem that might result) Please use a separate entry for each type of potential injury that could be caused by exposure to a hazard6. List control measures in place to reduce risks Use the information from the checklist on the registration form to compile the list of control measures. Group controls under the headings of Engineering controls; Administrative controls and personal protective equipment. Note that engineering controls should fail to safety, for example failure of a bulb in an illuminated sign should be interlocked to a beam shutter. For each control identified above, assess whether this is adequate, is actually used in practice and state whether this is regularly checked, where appropriate. Note that protective eyeware must not be relied upon as a primary control measure.  B: Assessing the residual level of risk and further action needed (See Safety Guide 4 pps 10 11 for an explanation of the terms in this table)7.1 How severe is any injury or health effect likely to be?Tick one box (S =score given in brackets)Minor (1)Serious (2)Major (3)Fatal (4)7.2. How likely is exposure to the hazard?Tick one box (P =score given in brackets)Very unlikely (1)Unlikely (2)Possible (3)Likely  (4)7.3. Calculate the risk score by multiplying the 2 scores in Q7.1 & 7.2Risk Score (s x P) = Low (1(3)Medium  (4(6)High (8(9)Very High  (12(16)8. Immediate further action to be taken to make the situation safe / reduce risk to health Action to be taken by whom?Implementation Date 9. Further action or additional controls needed to reduce risk as low as reasonably practicable Action to be taken by whom?Implementation Date  Name of Assessor (please print)Signature of Assessor Date:Signature of Head of Dept/School/UnitDate: Date for Review (maximum 12 months from date of this assessment)      FILENAME \p M:\H&S Forms\Risk Assessment forms\UoRLaser risk ass form RA2L Dec04.doc Ref. 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