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Staying safe and secure

The University's Security Services team provide security patrols, surveillance and emergency response for all University property.

With a 50 plus in-house team, an extensive CCTV network and 24 hour control room we strive to maintain a safe and secure environment across the University's sites.

In addition, Security Services offer a range of security equipment to help individuals protect themselves and their property, including high visibility vests, bicycle Lights and bicycle D-locks.

These items are available to purchase from the Security Office in Whiteknights House.

Security advice

We believe that prevention is the best way to tackle crime. As such, we have put together advice on the following topics:

Personal safety

The University's Security Services team have compiled a downloadable guide to staying safe: Staying Safe

The booklet includes advice on personal safety when walking alone and using public transport, driving when alone, avoiding date rape and staying safe in the home.

Campus watch

This new service will operate along the same lines as a neighbourhood watch scheme for the Campus and will help imrove the Campus community relations as well as sharing of information
For full details: Campus Watch

Chaperone Service

This is a free service where any member of staff , student or visitor can book security to "watch over them"

They can call security to book the service ,if they feel insecure at night when making their way back to their car or accommadation

For full details Chaperone-service

Security advice for schools and departments

Securing valuable equipment is essential if you want to avoid considerable disruption to your business continuity:

  • Secure the perimeter: ensure doors and windows are of good quality and the locks work properly.
  • Consider budgeting for an alarm system and/or CCTV.
  • Security-mark equipment - this makes it less attractive to thieves and more readily traced by the police.
  • Use security cable kits to secure computers, printers and so on to the desk.
  • Improve exterior lighting.
  • Always back up your work and store discs in a secure fireproof area or install a departmental server.
  • Install movement detectors on valuable equipment.
  • When leaving your office at the end of the day, particularly an office on the ground floor:
    • ensure windows are securely locked
    • close blinds
    • move all portable items out of reach.

Never leave offices unlocked when unattended… even for one minute!

Keeping your vehicle secure

Vehicle crime rates on campus are comparable to the rest of the Thames Valley area. You can reduce the risk of your vehicle being broken into by following these simple steps:

  • Always lock your vehicle.
  • Never leave any items on display.
  • Remove all valuable items from your vehicle.
  • Remove the fascia from any radio/stereo equipment.
  • Remove all Sat Nav Equipment, including the holder.
  • Do not leave your vehicle on campus overnight.
  • Always use any security devices fitted to your car.

Keeping your bicycle secure

  • Use one of the dedicated areas with cycle locking points.
  • Use an approved lock.
  • Lock the frame of your bike to the locking point and whenever possible include the wheel(s), particularly if they are quick release, or take them with you.
  • Never leave your bike unattended overnight unless in secure storage.
  • Record make, model and serial number and any other unique identifying features.
  • Enquire at Security or your local Police Station whether it is possible to have your cycle frame marked with your postcode followed by your house number.
  • It is strongly recommended that you take out insurance cover.

Bicycle Passport

This service has now been reduced.

Security will no longer register an individual's bicycle details, but will still supply a security label which is very hard to get off.

Students are now being asked to register their cycles on the national database, at

This is the database that the Police will check in the event of any cycles being stolen and then recovered.

You can still download the bicycle passport sheet , which will help you fill out the details needed for the national database.

passport sheet:

Safe Cycling

Have a look at our new "Safe Cycling" page which gives help and advice on various bicycle related issues and security hints and tips on how to secure your bicycle.

There is also a section on bicycle maintenance such as how to book a bicycle maintenance course, plus links to bicycle maintenance videos and other useful information.

Safe Cycling

Contact us

Find out how to report a crime or incident on campus


  • Telephone: +44 (0)118 378 6300

General enquiries

  • Telephone: +44 (0)118 378 7799

Please Note:

Contact the Police


  • Telephone: 999


  • Telephone: